Warner nodded his head. “We could have lost Mercedes, you realize that right?” he asked Kurt and Kurt immediately nodded.

“That’s what gets me so pissed off and fired up the most, the fact that my stubbornness, denial, fear of letting down my guard and opening my heart to such a sweet woman could have been lost. These men, the things they do to these women.”

“I know. I know, Warner, and I try not to think about it because it makes me sick, it scares the fuck out of me, and I know the bottom line is that she’s safe. That Taylor and I were there and we got to her in time. We need to make this up to her. We need to be honest with her. Together.”

Warner let down his arms and nodded his head.

“Shower first then we’ll bring over food. Let Taylor know to give us thirty minutes.”

Kurt nodded his head as Warner left the room. He texted Taylor then stood up. His brother could have died. Their woman could have been raped, sold to some high bidder, or even killed. It was time to take a chance and open up their hearts. This was a second chance and one he was going to make sure him and his brothers didn’t miss out on.

* * * *

Mercedes entered the bedroom after taking a quick shower. The window was open, a soft breeze filled the room, and it seemed so quiet. Too quiet. She stopped where she was. Listened for any sounds, any indication that Taylor was still there in her home, but she heard nothing. Tears filled her eyes but didn’t fall. Well she told him to leave, so maybe he listened. He was just a friend, a coworker. Yeah right. Keep lying to yourself, Mercedes. He was more than that. You feel it, too.

What she hadn’t expected was the fear that began to form in her belly. The quietness scared her. Being alone suddenly scared her and when she heard the floor creak outside her door she gasped and covered her mouth.

She was shaking and she couldn’t stop herself.

The door began to push open and she heard Taylor’s voice.

“Mercedes, are you finished? Is it okay for me to come in?”

“Oh God,” she said and covered her face with her hands. A moment later she felt his strong arms wrap around her and she hugged him tight. She held on to him, breathed in his scent, his cologne and the feel of the T-shirt he wore pressed against her cheek. She was disappointed that he wasn’t bare chested. The thought was instant. He rubbed her back and her hair.

“You’re okay. You’re safe. We didn’t leave you,” he said to her. The floor creaked again as his words sunk in. They didn’t leave her.

She pulled back slightly and saw Kurt standing there. Kurt, six foot three, dark black hair, blue eyes, and he wore a light blue shirt with blue jeans that made those sexy eyes stand out even more. He looked incredible.

He stepped closer as Taylor released her slowly.

“It’s all right to be scared. That will take some time to get rid of,” Kurt said as he reached out and cupped her good cheek. Taylor moved out of the way and Kurt placed a hand on her waist. He used his thumb to caress her lip.

“Some ice will bring the swelling down, but first, we brought over some food,” he said. She nodded her head and he held her gaze.

Kurt just stared at her and she wondered what he would do. She looked at his eyes, his lips, that firm, sexy jaw, and the fine wrinkles by his eyes. He looked tired.

“You scared me, baby,” he whispered then softly kissed her cheek. She closed her eyes and wished to feel his lips against her lips and for his hands to take away the remnants of Jeff’s, but instead he hugged her.

Kurt had big, wide, muscular shoulders and amazing abs like his brother. The feel of his arms was like a blanket of security wrapped around her.

“You’re shaking, Mercedes. I swear, you’re safe now.”

She pulled back.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I feel so scared. I freaked out a moment,” she said and pulled all the way back and out of his hold. Kurt looked disappointed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Come on, let’s get something to eat,” Taylor told her and then Kurt motioned for her to walk ahead of him.

She did and when she got to her little kitchen, Warner was standing there. She hadn’t seen him in forever, but he looked so good and he appeared monstrous in her small kitchen. He was just as tall as his brothers and a little more muscular up top than them.

“Mercedes,” he said and then stepped closer to her. She lowered her head, clasping her hands in front of her in a submissive position. She waited for him to reprimand her, to scold her for being naive, stupid, unguarded. But it never came. Instead he lifted her chin with his fingers and held her gaze.

“Those will heal quickly, especially icing it a few times a day. We’ll start after we eat,” he said.

“I can do that. You really don’t have to babysit me,” she said to him.

“Mercedes, you were scared just now in your bedroom and we were in the next room. Don’t be silly,” Taylor told her as he reached for the big box of food from the bakery and deli in town.