“Of course I will. I was taken advantage of once before. I won’t let a man get in the way of my future and what I find happiness in. Monroe, Caldwell, and the sheriff are used to being in charge and running things. I’m not going to take any chances. It’s business and that’s it.”

“Well good luck with that, Alicia. With those men, you’re going to need it to resist their good looks, their superior personalities, and their sexy bodies,” Adele told her.

“Thanks a lot. I appreciate the support,” Alicia replied.

“Don’t get all insulted. We’re here to support you in everything you do. No sweat,” Marlena said.

“Oh she’ll be sweating. The moment one of the Gordon brothers shows up in the basement half-dressed and ready to taste more than the wine,” Adele teased, and Marlena and Mercedes chuckled, but Alicia felt the sense of anxiety as crazy thoughts scattered in her head.

Could the Gordon men be up to something? Did they think she was weak, vulnerable, and easily manipulated? She felt her anger surge and then came a calmness that warned her that things could get intense. Especially since she was attracted to all three brothers already.

But they didn’t share that same attraction. They just wanted to hire her to create the stained glass window, and nothing more. She could do that.

“Hey, don’t freak out. I’m certain Caldwell’s intentions are noble. Just take each day one at a time. Who knows, maybe this idea of yours to keep things strictly business will fail because you’re so attracted to them,” Marlena said to her.

Alicia shook her head. “Tony called me this morning.”

“Damn, Alicia, why didn’t you say something sooner? No wonder you’re so down on yourself and the Gordon brother situation. What did that jerk say to you? Why did he call?” Mercedes asked.

“To tell me to call my brother. I haven’t returned any of Alvin’s calls.”

“Why not?” Adele asked her.

Alicia ran her finger over the rim of the iced tea glass. “Because when I talk to him he tells me all about Tony’s successes and how I screwed up. He then tells me how he’s low on money and that if I got involved with Tony again that Tony could help him out financially.”

“That’s ridiculous. What does he want you to do, sleep with Tony so he can get some money? That’s screwed up, Alicia. You know that, right?” Mercedes asked.

“Yes, I know it is, but then Alvin starts in on our parents being dead and how he took such good care of me and raised me hoping that I would marry Tony so that I would be taken care of.”

“And him, too, apparently. Your brother still messing around with fast payoff jobs?” Adele asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t want to know. I just want to be left alone so I can try and do what I want and what makes me happy,” Alicia told them.

“Then being alone, being afraid to like another man or men is silly. Perhaps if things work out and you meet someone else, maybe that will finally send a message to Tony and your brother that you’re no longer their little puppet? That you’ve moved on and are making your own decisions with your own life,” Mercedes added.

“Maybe, but when I think about letting my guard down, I panic and that’s no way to win a man’s love. Trust needs to be proven first. I don’t think I have the strength to be bothered.”

“I think you do. I just think it will take the right man or men to help you realize you’re special and that they are willing to do whatever you need for them to prove they love you and aren’t going to hurt you. But you also need to take that chance. How else are you going to succeed in business and in your personal life? Don’t sell yourself short. You’re amazing. As soon as you realize that, then maybe you can achieve your goals and the happiness you’re looking for,” Marlena told her and she nodded her head.

Marlena was right, but it was easy for her to say. She’d landed three amazing men that adored her. Alicia didn’t think she could be so lucky. Not with all the baggage, and her ex still in her life along with her controlling brother.

Chapter 1

“So things are going smoothly and we should be ready to pour concrete in another week,” Richie Ray told Monroe Gordon.

“That’s right on schedule. Excellent. Hopefully within the next few weeks my brother and I will have every storefront sold,” Monroe replied as he looked around the new construction site on the edge of town in Chance. It was going to be sensational and people would love the cobblestone lined walkways, the lighted lampposts and all the little gardens that lined the walkways between store fronts. There were even going to be places to sit and rest, grab a coffee, some ice cream or other specialty foods from the local storefronts. It was like an additional shopping strip to Chance with unique stores.

“There’s no doubt in my mind about that, Monroe. You and Caldwell have the ability to sell anything. Plus this site is perfect just like you said months ago. Chance is going to be growing in leaps and bounds,” Richie Ray replied.

“It will grow as fast as the sheriff and the town board allow it to.”

“Well having your brother as the sheriff must help. Besides, what you and Caldwell are doing is really admirable. To give fifty percent of the sale price to the local veterans in need will be a great help. A lot of our friends and their families are suffering.”

“You don’t have to tell me. I see it all the time.”

“And that’s also why you hired Ferguson construction for the brunt of the work here. Will, Leo, and Hank went through hell only a few years back.”

“Indeed. They’re good men and they do excellent work. So keep me abreast of the progress. I’ll have a few business people interested in investing in some of the storefronts coming by next week. Seeing the foundation is a lot more appealing than piles of dirt and debris being pushed around.”