“Are you kidding me? You’ll have money coming to you, too. For all the aggravation. Do you have an address for her in that town in South Carolina?”

“Yeah, it’s called Chance. I can send you the exact address in a little while. I have to find it. But I know she’s living above a garage or something. She said it was nice.”

“She needs me, Alvin. She’s probably living in shit.”

“It’s kind of you to still care after what she did and how she left you. Do you think there’s a possibility you two can make amends and maybe get married?”

“It’s what I’m hoping for. You know Alicia, she aims to please and is a very hard worker. I’ll expect her to sing a different tune when I get together with her. No more taking it easy on her. She needs to learn that a man is in charge and a good woman is there to support him and encourage him. She may need some hard discipline.”

“Maybe you ought to wait until you see her to decide if you still want her. Life alone can harden a woman and make her ugly. She may have even gained weight or stopped caring about her looks.”

Tony shivered at the thought. Alicia was well endowed and had a body like a centerfold model. No way would she let herself go. Even struggling to make ends meet she kept herself tidy and looking pretty. It would be fun to have to train her and make her into the woman he needed and desired. What pissed him off was that he would have to be patient. She was shy, only had him as a lover, and his sexual appetite was different then. He wanted every part of her, and every part of her he would have.

“I’ll let you know if and when I decide to go see her. I want to look deeper into this town first. It might be wiser to have her leave there and take her elsewhere. Who knows who is sniffing around her and trying to gain her trust.”

“I thought about that, too. She’s naive and vulnerable. I hope she’s okay.”

“She will be once I have her. Don’t worry. Let me take care of everything.”

“And what about the money?” Alvin asked.

“You’ll be the first to know when I get it and if I get it. There’s always some sort of scam. I hope we all didn’t get screwed by that woman and her husband who bought us out. Who knows. Talk to you soon, Alvin.”

He hung up the phone and glanced at the bar. The brunette was sitting there glancing at him. Legs crossed, girly tropical drink in her hand, and he nodded for her to come over. She smiled, grabbed her purse and drink, and made her way over, hips moving, looking ready for action.

Oh yeah, he was going to get some today and tomorrow he would make the plans to find his Alicia and make her beg forgiveness and to be his once again.

* * * *

Alicia trailed her fingers, along Max’s muscles on his chest as she lay in bed by his side. Behind her Monroe traced the curves of her hips and then lower toward her pussy. When his lips touched the skin on her shoulder she closed her eyes and exhaled.

“What are you thinking about right now?” Monroe asked her.

“I know what I’m thinking about right now,” Caldwell said as he picked up the tube of lube and tapped it against his palm.

“None of that right now. This was a first for her and she needs to recover,” Max said firmly, and Caldwell chuckled as he dropped the tube on the bed then cuddled up by her calves and feet. Max lifted her chin to look at her.

“Are you sore?”

She shook her head.

“Don’t lie to me. I’ll know it immediately,” he told her and she knew he would. He was a sheriff, plus he seemed to have an ability to tell a lot about a person. She didn’t want to admit to being sore but she was. She’d never had sex like she just did and never with three men. Everything felt different. Her pussy felt needy even now, after making love to Max. Her mouth felt achy from sucking on Caldwell’s cock which she had never liked doing to Tony but only did it a handful of times. She shifted a little and sure enough her ass hurt slightly. More like a burn, but as she thought about how Monroe took her there, how he eased the lube in her ass, fingered her to stretch her muscles to be sure she could handle his cock, she felt aroused all over again. Could this type of relationship be the one for her? The one she longed for forever?

“Hey, talk to us. What are you feeling? Be honest now,” Max coaxed her then looked at her lips, pressed a gentle kiss to them, and pulled back holding her gaze.

“Needy,” she whispered in a husky voice.

Caldwell jumped up.

“Told you.”

“Slow down. We don’t want to hurt you or make you feel any pain,” Max said and then rolled her to her back. He played with her nipple then cupped her breast. When he leaned lower and nibbled a sensitive spot on her neck, she reached up to touch him, run her fingers through his hair, and find his mouth with hers.

She kissed his chin, nibbling on the light gruff along there and to his firm lips.

He opened for her and she delved her tongue deeply, exploring his mouth.

She loved how he tasted, how it felt to caress his skin, feel the dusting of hair along his chest and to know he was hers to explore. She eased her leg over his waist and straddled him, kissing him, rocking her hips against him until she felt the fingers stroke her pussy from behind.