“How do I look?” she asked as she smoothed her hands down her skirt. Meanwhile her legs felt like Jell-O and she felt a little light-headed.

“Like our sexy little woman. Come on, we’re starving now,” Max said to her and Monroe and Caldwell chuckled.

She looked around the store one last time feeling like she was going to succeed and like she would be happy for once in her life and she would be sharing it with three men she loved and adored.

She hugged Max’s arm as they exited the building.

Monroe caressed her ass.

“Two more minutes and we would have been busted,” Monroe said and she saw the construction crew walking down the sidewalk toward them. Her cheeks heated.

“I don’t know, Monroe, I think the three of you could have lasted a few more minutes.”

“Ouch.” Caldwell pinched her ass and she jumped. The men chuckled.

“Watch yourself, Alicia, or they’ll be a nice long spanking when we get home and I can assure you walking will be a task,” Max said then brought her knuckles to his lips and kissed them. She saw his expression go from intense and hard to sweet and teasing. She smiled.

“I don’t know, Sheriff, I’m kind of getting used to your spankings and I think I like them.”

“Oh brother, she’s turning into a monster,” Monroe said.

“I think some changes in the bedroom might be in order,” Caldwell said.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got my handcuffs, and I know how to use them.”

Her eyes widened and she wasn’t sure if she should be scared or aroused. When she got into Caldwell’s car with assistance from the sheriff and the feel of his handcuffs brushing along her hip, her body reacted.

She was definitely interested in being handcuffed by her sheriff. The idea of it had her closing her mouth and sitting quietly in the backseat.

“I’ll meet you at the restaurant,” Max said and winked. Monroe and Caldwell held firm expressions that only added to her

arousal. Oh God these three men had changed her life, her perspective on the future and what love was really all about. They told her they loved her. She smiled wide and never felt happier in her life. Everything was perfect, for once in her life.

* * * *

He was shaking with anger. She was nothing but a fucking whore, allowing three men, including the local sheriff, to fuck her on a construction site. Fuck! The sight of her pleased expression and the way she caressed them, enticed them with her body, a body that belonged to him, really fucking pissed him off.

Tony slammed his hand against the wall. He thought he might get caught. Hell, he wanted to ruin their little fuck fest and demand they get their dicks out of his woman’s cunt. He was furious, jealous, worried that her involvement with a lawman could screw things up. He needed to think and do it quickly. Alicia had to sign the papers and not read them. She would know that she was giving up two hundred thousand dollars to him. The stupid bitch. He needed a better plan. Those men were big. They looked important and obviously she fucked them into helping her get another storefront. She was not so weak and stupid as he thought. He needed to be smarter. He’d get her and take care of business. He just needed to avoid those three assholes.

* * * *

“It’s so nice to finally meet you in person, Alicia. God, you’re so beautiful,” Sianne said to Alicia as Max, Caldwell, and Monroe shook their dads’ hands after they introduced Alicia to them and to Mom.

Max watched the two women embrace and smile. Over the past few weeks they talked on Skype whenever their mom touched base. Truth was, their mom loved Alicia’s work and wanted to see the progress she made. Sianne was involved with different galleries in Austin and even New York and California. She had connections and it seemed she was really interested in Alicia’s talent.

“So tell me about how you got started doing the stained glass. Did someone teach you? Did you take classes?” Sianne asked.

“I’m actually self-taught. I used to read about how stained glass windows and other things were made in Europe and centuries ago. It caught my interest and I would pick up books on them and then of course techniques in making stained glass art. I loved it and it just came natural to me.”

“Well, I have to say that I love your work, too. I know a lot of people in Austin who own galleries. I was showing off your piece you did for my sons and they loved it. They’re very interested in seeing more pieces. Do you have a portfolio of some sort?”

“I do. They really liked it?” Alicia asked and Max couldn’t help but smile. She was so shy, so humble about her abilities. She was simply glowing and he couldn’t help but think their lovemaking only an hour ago on the construction site and the fact he told her he loved her brought it on.

“Wow, I’d never think we’d see the day,” Colonel, his father, whispered to him. His other dads, Walt and Brook, chuckled.

“What’s that?” he asked and Monroe and Caldwell stared at their dads, too.

“The three of you in love. Especially you, Max.”