He lifted his hips upward, thrusting, rocking his hips deeply into her, making her moan and gasp he felt so thick and hard.

Her breasts rocked and swayed as she held his gaze, got lost in the moment, in his blue eyes, and knew she loved him.

“You’re mine, Alicia. Mine,” he said and then began a series of hard, deep strokes that made her gasp and moan. He remained holding her hands, clasped together, united in body and in soul. She felt her body tighten as she shivered and tried to counterthrust, but Caldwell’s cock was so deep inside of her, and he was so big in comparison that she couldn’t move, she lost her breath and cried out his name.

“Come with me now. Come with me.” He grunted and tightened up as she came and he did, too. They rocked together three more times and then he lowered over her, hugging her tightly, almost crushing her as he growled and then rolled to the side.

* * * *

He stroked her hair from her damp cheeks and then licked his lower lip. Their breathing calmed and he finally got rid of the barbaric feeling of possessiveness and needing to physically claim Alicia and mark her with his scent, his cock, and his cum. It was so carnal and wild but now that he’d made love to her and released his seed inside of her he felt more at ease. There were still questions to be answered and any minute his brothers would arrive to get answers, too. He just hoped that Max didn’t turn it into an interrogation.

“Tell me about this brother of yours, Alvin?”

She tightened up and then looked away from him.

“Alvin?” she asked.

He placed his pointer and ring finger against her cheek and tilted her face back up toward him so he could look her in the eyes.

“Yes, Alvin. You mentioned him and your ex Tony last night. You said some things. Things that concerned Monroe, Max, and I.”


“That’s right. I want answers, too.”

Max and Monroe enter

ed the room. Max was in uniform.

She went to reach for the sheet to cover herself up but Monroe pushed the sheet away.

“No need for that. This all belongs to us. No one else,” Monroe said and leaned down and kissed her hip bone. He ran a hand along her ass and squeezed it. Caldwell felt ready to claim her with his brothers again. That carnal need was getting worse.

“I understand you had a good time last night. You don’t look hungover,” Max said and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Yup, his brother was going to interrogate her. Caldwell needed to assist. The poor thing was shaking.

“I wasn’t hungover because I wasn’t drunk. Just buzzed a little,” she said and looked away.

“That’s not the way I heard it,” Max said in that tone he used to get his point across.

“What did you hear?” she asked.

“That my woman was getting hit on by two men.”

She lifted up and used her arm to cover her breasts.

“That’s not fair. It wasn’t my fault. Besides, I had it under control. I told them I wasn’t interested.”

Max stared at her.

He looked her body over.

“You belong to us. We’re supposed to be the ones that protect you and watch over you. You can’t be going out with friends and overdrinking. What if Danny and Jack hadn’t called us? What if you were somewhere else that doesn’t have men from Chance watching over you? Then what?” Max asked.

She knelt on the bed.

“Then I would do what I’ve done all my life, and depend on me and no one else.”

Monroe placed his hand on her shoulder. She turned to look at him.