“Who the hell is Alvin and when did he say such bullshit to you?” he asked.

She swallowed hard and looked utterly scared.

“Ease up, bro,” Monroe told him. He shot him a look. He wondered how Monroe could be so calm after hearing what she just said. What else hadn’t she told them?

She reached up and cupped Caldwell’s cheek.

“It’s okay, Caldwell, Alvin is my brother. He thinks I belong with Tony and will do anything he can to get us back together. But Tony’s a controlling, lying cheater, who, like my brother, thinks I can’t survive or succeed without them. They’ve held me down far too long. Besides, I’ve got you, Max, and Monroe in my corner. You won’t hurt me like they did, right?” she asked then hugged Caldwell. Caldwell looked at Monroe.

“We’ll ask tomorrow,” he whispered and Caldwell nodded. Something wasn’t right. Alicia hadn’t told them everything about her ex or this brother of hers. What was going on? Would they come here looking for her or to cause trouble? He felt his defenses rise and protectiveness overwhelm him. Caldwell lifted her up into his arms as Monroe opened the door to the backseat.

“Come on, baby, we’re taking you home.”

* * * *

Amazingly Alicia awoke without a headache or much of a hangover. She was very thirsty and as her eyes focused on the room she not only saw she was not at her place, but in a very masculine setting and a bedside table that contained one large bottle of new water.

She eased herself up, noticing she was naked. She reached for the water, unscrewed the top, and began to drink. Once she ensured that her stomach was all right she thought about where she was and how Monroe and Caldwell came to get her at Spencer’s. Then she tried to remember what they talked about on the way here to their house. She looked around the room noticing the king-size bed, the large windows, and the glass door that was currently ajar and sending a gentle breeze into the room. She looked around for her clothes and saw a man’s shirt on the bed. Someone slept next to her last night. Was it Caldwell? She inhaled and caught the faint smell of his cologne. This must be Caldwell’s room.

She pulled the shirt up and over her head then pulled back the sheets.

She walked toward the bathroom and freshened up, cleaned her eye makeup off and used her finger as a makeshift toothbrush, adding paste to it and scrubbing them then using mouthwash. Feeling a little bit better she brushed her hair, peeked around the corner to make sure no one was coming, and she used Caldwell’s deodorant. Just in case. She quickly put it back into the drawer and headed back to the bedroom. She gasped when she saw Caldwell standing in the balcony doorway, leaning on the doorframe, shirtless and wearing boxers.

His arms were crossed in front of his chest and she felt a little ashamed. She never drank like she did last night. Not that she was drunk but she definitely had a good buzz going. Well maybe she was a little drunk considering she couldn’t quite remember all of it.

“Are you feeling okay?” he asked her but didn’t move toward her. She ran her fingers through her hair and looked down at the rug and how the shirt she wore, his shirt, lay past her knees. She glanced up at him.

“I’m a bit embarrassed. I don’t ever drink like that. We were having such a good time and Jack and Danny weren’t charging us for the drinks.”

He uncrossed his arms and stalked toward her.

“So I should blame Jack and Danny for getting my woman drunk and letting guys hit on you?” he said and she took a retreating step backward until the backs of her thighs hit the bed.

“No, of course not, and no one was hitting on me. There was no one to blame, we were just letting off some steam.” He reached out and gripped a handful of the shirt. She felt the cool air collide against her pussy under the material and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.

Caldwell’s deep blue eyes bored into hers.

“We have some things to talk about, but first we need to take care of something.”

She didn’t know what he meant until he pulled her closer, leaned down, and kissed her deeply. She felt his erection press against her belly and she wrapped her arms around his waist. That kiss grew deeper quickly and soon he was pulling from her mouth, lifting the shirt up over her head, and tossing it to the floor. He stepped out of his boxers, his cock hard and long tapping against his belly as he pressed her down onto the bed.

He spread her thighs and swiped a finger to her already wet pussy. The man was lethal. A sex god and he wanted her.

She ran her fingers through his hair as his hot mouth landed on her breast. He suckled and pulled on her nipple and areola as she moaned with every stroke of his fingers. In and out he thrust fingers up into her cunt, arousing her, getting her ready for that thick, long muscle that pressed against her hipbone.

“You belong to my brothers and me. Last night when I saw those guys hitting on you, touching you, I almost lost it.”

“No, Caldwell. They weren’t going to do anything. I told them I wasn’t interested.”

“They saw that you had been drinking. Some guys see that as an opportunity to take advantage of a woman in that state. What if Monroe and I hadn’t gotten there, or if Jack and Danny hadn’t seen? Then what?” he asked very seriously.

She felt the tears fill her eyes. No one ever cared about her, about her safety or about men bothering her. She cupped his cheeks and held his gaze.

“But you were there. You stopped them from bothering me. No one has ever done that for me, or protected me.”

He pulled his fingers from her pussy and he kissed her deeply. She felt his hands maneuver her thighs higher and the bulbous head pressed between her pussy lips. She widened her thighs, letting him in and Caldwell sunk into her pussy, wrapping his arms around her, burying her under his wide shoulders and muscular frame, and made love to her slowly, deeply.

He released her lips and kissed her neck, then ran his hands along her arms, down to her wrists, and clasped their fingers together as he raised her arms above her head.