Alicia was embarrassed and felt so confused. She loved the way it felt to be with these three men, and she loved how they kissed her and touched her. She wanted more. She wanted the things that bound hearts and souls together when there was truth and honesty, but what if these three men were just out for an affair? A good time and nothing more? Could she accept that? Could she live with herself? She knew the answer was no as the tears stung her eyes. She loved the feel of Caldwell’s strong arms holding her. She felt protected. Especially with Max and Monroe there, too. What if they were lying? What if they just wanted sex?

She pulled back.

“I don’t sleep around. I won’t be part of some game or a list.”

“What game? What list?” Max asked.

“A list of women you’ve had sex with in town and out of town. I won’t be another notch in your belt,” she said and held Max’s gaze.

“Why are you looking at me and saying that? Hell, baby, I haven’t been with a woman in over a year’s time. I take sex very seriously, too.”

“She means the list, Max. You know the one that gossip started about you because no one ever sees you with a woman,” Monroe said to him.

“I never heard about a list. Who the hell started that?” Max asked.

“Probably a woman you didn’t reciprocate feelings for,” Caldwell told him.

Max looked at Alicia. She was so distrusting. What if even this banter back and forth were a game?

She turned around and took a deep breath.

Max caught up with her, wrapped an arm around her waist, and pressed her close. Even his hugs, his embrace felt incredible. She was fighting every sensation.

“Baby, don’t believe any of that. I don’t sleep around. What I tell you is true. Hell. I’m hard to live with and get along with.”

“Ain’t that the truth,” Monroe said, joining them, acting like he was teasing.

“Don’t do that. Don’t pretend to banter, to say things like that as if it’s true.”

“Don’t you believe us?” Caldwell asked now standing in front of her.

“I don’t know what to believe.”

“Believe that we’re honest men and that whomever hurt you can’t ever do it again when you’re ours.”

“I care about you, Alicia. I want to get to know you, gain your trust, your love,” Max told her then kissed her neck.

“As do we. We’re not the bad guys here. You’ll need to trust that we’re not lying, Alicia,” Caldwell told her.

“I think we should sit down and talk about this,” Monroe said. She shook her head.

“No. I need to get back to work and I need time to understand this.”

“What’s to understand? You’re attracted to us and we’re attracted to you. It’s simple,” Caldwell told her.

Max released her as she shook her head.

“No, it isn’t. This is a different type of relationship. Sex, dating, or whatever is not simple. It’s complicated and messy and only leads to sadness and broken hearts. I don’t know if I can handle that again, so I need some time,” she said.

Monroe took her hand and brought it to his chest.

“Someone hurt you so badly that you think all relationships cause pain? That isn’t true, Alicia. Whomever he was he didn’t know dick about taking care of a woman and commitment.” Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth to speak only to close it.

“I think this is a very bad idea,” she said, her voice shaking. Monroe pulled her closer, wrapped his arms around her, and smiled.

“No, baby, it’s a great idea. Trust me. I promise this is real and my brothers and I won’t ever hurt you.” He leaned down and kissed her and before long she was wrapping her arms around his shoulders kissing him back and getting lost in the feel of his arms and the intensity of his kiss. She wanted more, and suddenly getting hurt, losing everything didn’t seem as important as feeling these sensations and the desires Monroe, Max, and Caldwell brought out in her.

* * * *