“Not as often as we would like. Max isn’t into parties, and Caldwell and I usually have business parties here a few times a year.”

“It looks stunning. Does it have a bathroom and fireplace in it? It looks like that from here.”

“When you’re finished with lunch I’ll show you it. So have you thought about the business deal and the storefront? I spoke with Dwyer and he’s willing to make a special deal with us.”

She swallowed hard

and looked at him. His light blue eyes held hers and he seemed so sincere. Her heart pounded inside of her chest. He was so appealing.

“I have thought about it. I have some concerns.”


“Yes, and perhaps we could discuss them with Caldwell, too, since he’s part of this?”

“That’s okay. He’ll be by in a little while. Why don’t we talk now and maybe I can ease your concerns.”

She wiped her mouth with the napkin and then took another sip of ice tea as she packed up her garbage from lunch.

“We can walk and talk if that’s more comfortable?” he suggested and she nodded her head.

“Well, I’d love to see the cabana and I do have to get back to work. Okay.”

She stood up and Monroe walked with her.

“I was thinking that I don’t really want to be financially obligated to you guys for very long. I mean let’s say this business takes off but then you decide you want out and I don’t have the money to buy out your share. Then what? You sell it all off and I’m left with nothing.”

“First of all, that’s not how Caldwell and I do business. When we invest in a product, a store, or in this case your talent, we invest with the intention of being in for the long haul. Do things happen and change? Sure but we wouldn’t pull out and sell the store leaving you with nothing. That’s not good business at all. That’s being corrupt, self-centered, and downright sneaky. That’s not the kind of businesses Caldwell and I run.”

His words touched her in more ways than she could explain. In fact, she needed to turn away and change the subject a moment or she might lose it emotionally. She prayed he wasn’t bullshitting, for he said the words she needed to hear.

“This is stunning. My God, I could live out here in this cabana. It’s like a small house.”

“I love sitting out here sometimes at night with the fire going. It’s relaxing,” he told her and she stared at him. She absorbed his light brown hair, his sensational body, and how tall he was. He must be about six feet three. He towered over her and especially as she stood there wearing tennis sneakers.

“I bet it’s nice.”

He looked at her, reached out, and caressed a strand of her hair as he held her gaze.

“You should come over one night and enjoy it with me.”

She swallowed hard. God, he’s so appealing. But that fear of being hurt had her lowering her eyes.

He stepped closer and placed his hand on her waist and one on her shoulder then to her neck and under her hair.

She looked up toward him.

“Are you afraid of me?” he asked her, shocking her.

She opened her mouth to respond and then closed it. How could she respond to him? Yes, he scared her but he also aroused her, made her want to be close to him, but she also felt that for his brothers and she was fighting it to avoid a conflict of interest with personal life and business.

She felt his thumb caress her lower lip and he pressed against her.

“Tell me you’re not sacred of me or my brothers. Because if you are then we need to do whatever we can to make you feel safe and secure with us.”

“I’m just working for you, Monroe. It’s not necessary to make me feel safe and secure when I’ll only be here a few days longer.”

“No. That’s not true. Not when I want you here more than just to work. I want you to join me by a fire at night. I want to get to know you better. I want to…taste you,” he said as he stared at her lips. She panicked and pulled away.