Her heart ached, yet longed for the things other women in Chance had. The love, the care and affection of a man or even men. Honest, loyal, true men that would do anything to protect their woman. Alicia wanted to feel safe. She wanted to feel appreciated. She wasn’t even sure if anyone could love her or if she lacked what was needed, but at this point she would settle for friendship, companionship and security.

She reached over toward the dresser and sprayed her perfume. It was one that Max liked a lot. In fact, yesterday when he snuck up behind her and sniffed her neck, she thought she might have lost it. She held her ground despite the obvious sexual chemistry building between them.

She thought about their childhood and stories they shared and learned that their mom Sianne was married to three men. Men that were law enforcement officers and one that was the previous sheriff before his son Max took over. It was honorable and another indication of how perfect they were and how imperfect she was.

She took a deep breath and released it. Her belly tightened and she felt unsure, confused, and maybe even a little down despite how good she always felt around the men. They lifted her spirits, made her laugh, and were terribly good looking. Maybe she was creating this fantasy in her head where they would find her appealing and up to their standards? She wasn’t certain, but as the project was now coming to an end, she wasn’t sure what would happen next. She wanted to accept their help with opening a storefront. They made her feel capable. Like yesterday when she thought she made a mistake with one of the areas on the stained glass but then it helped her to see the potential in altering the color to bring out a truer brown that was identical to their actual house color. Max had pointed it out, and Monroe even went outside to take a picture of the siding of the house then show her it matched perfectly and told her how brilliant she was. No one ever boosted her confidence like these three men. Maybe she was falling for their actions that were only done out of being respectful courteous men? After all, Sianne did say that the men were a bit wild in their younger days but how she raised them to be respectful and to put a woman first always. She even told Alicia to call her if they acted up. That made her chuckle but Caldwell seemed embarrassed and offended.

She looked at the clock and worried that she might be late. Quickly, she grabbed her things and headed out the door. She loved being around them, but it was her that stated it was all business and nothing more. Now she wished she could let her guard down and maybe take a chance at letting Monroe, Max, and Caldwell into her heart.

* * * *

“Is it Alicia’s last day working at your place?” Monroe’s mom asked as they talked on the phone. He smiled. The two women had hit it off immediately and once Monroe sent a picture of Alicia’s work their mom went crazy with excitement.

“Unfortunately yes it is.”

“You sound down. Haven’t you told her that you and your brothers like her?”

“Mom, it’s more complicated than that. I explained about how we got her to work here.”

“Honey, I know that idea of yours backfired somewhat, but you did have the opportunity to get to know her a little more and for her to feel more comfortable with the three of you. Just be honest with her and I’m sure you’ll get the response you’re hoping for.”

“I’ll see. She’s special. She’s different and we don’t want to screw this up.”

His mom chuckled.

“I can’t wait to meet her in person. She looked beautiful through the computer on Skype, and very petite. You three be sure to not overwhelm her, never mind hurt her.”

“Mom, really?”

“Monroe, I know how the three of you are and you forget how big you are. Just be gentleman.”

Monroe chuckled.

“Okay, Mom, I need to go. Love you.”

“Love you, too. Oh, and we’ll see you in just a few days. Make sure you invite Alicia over Saturday for dinner and to meet us. I can’t wait.”

“I’ll try, Mom. Thanks.”

Monroe disconnected the call and leaned back in the chair. He had a heavy heart. He wanted to be honest with Alicia and let her know how much he and his brothers liked her and wanted to get to know her, but then he would see this look in her eyes, or watch her step back and appear frightened, and it made him wonder more about her past. If someone did hurt her he wanted to prove to her that he and his brothers cared and would protect her. She just seemed resistant to accept that.

He looked at the phone and thought about his brothers. They would be stopping in to see her. Today was going to be her last day working here and they needed to make a move or their chance could be gone forever.

* * * *

Alicia sat outside in the sun by the table and umbrella to have some lunch. She’d brought her own sandwich and drink today. It was beautiful outside and she had been inside all morning working on finishing up the project for the men.

“Hey, I would have made something for you for lunch,” Monroe said as he walked out onto the patio joining her.

“Oh that’s okay, you’ve been spoiling me all week,” she told him as she absorbed his attire. He was dressed casually today. He wore jeans, a dark blue T-shirt that showed off his bulging muscles, and she could practically smell his cologne before he even made it close to her. She loved the scent. It was light, clean, and appealing.

“I don’t mind spoiling you. You’re doing a wonderful job and my brothers and I enjoy having you here in our home.”

“That’s sweet, Monroe.”

She took a sip of her ice tea then stared out toward the cabana and pool.

“Do you guys get to go swimming a lot and use that cabana?” she asked.