“What gives?” Marlena pushed.

Alicia pushed up off the chair and stood. She looked out toward the lake in the distance. Marlena could see her gripping the wooden railing. Something was holding Alicia back.

“Monroe and Caldwell offered to back me financially to open my own storefront in the new strip on the edge of town.”

“That’s wonderful. You said you didn’t want to use all your savings and risk sinking in the business and then being left with nothing. This makes it less risky.”

Alicia turned to look at Marlena.

“It’s more risky.”

“Why is that?”

“Because, I was in business with my ex, Tony. We talked about doing all these things and the business was doing great. Then suddenly he sold everything out from underneath me. He cheated on me, used me, and left me with nothing but what money I had stashed away in a savings he didn’t know about.”

“They’re not him.”

“How do you know they aren’t? They have reputations around town. Monroe and Caldwell are known as ladies men with lots of money and whom are very successful. They could have their choice of women whenever they want them. The sheriff? Well there are bets going around about how many women in Chance he’s slept with. Not exactly commitment material to me. I don’t need another man and in this case, men, using me and leaving me to get out of debt and be miserable once again. I can’t trust them.”

“Oh, Alicia, I think you have it all wrong. I can understand your fears about the business thing. If you’re that adamant about getting their help then do it on your own.”

“It’s a lot of money. It won’t leave me much for advertising costs and then a mortgage, if I can even get one. I’m not exactly showing consistent income and a steady job. What bank would give me a loan?”

“Have you discussed particulars with Monroe and Caldwell? Maybe there’s a way they could hold the mortgage for you and you would pay them like they were a bank?”

“But it still gives them control over me. Tony broke my heart. I thought I loved him and that he loved me. But he used me and til this day he has this control over me.”

“What do you mean? He’s still calling you, putting you down and you’re listening to him?” Marlena asked. She was shocked.

“He’s my brother’s best friend. Which by the way, Alvin does not think Tony can do any wrong. I told you guys how my own brother continuously takes Tony’s side. How he even wants me to get back together with Tony so he can get financial assistance. I wouldn’t put him past coming here and checking up on me to make sure I’m not involved with anyone. Do you know what he would do if he came to Chance and saw the types of relationships around here?”

“Damn, they really are no good weasels..”

“Tell me about it,” Alicia said and lowered her head and closed her eyes. Marlena stood up and placed her hand on her shoulder.

“Okay, tell me everything from start to present. All about the business and the relationship with Tony and where your brother plays a role in it all. Then let’s see if we can figure this out together. I still think that Monroe, Max, and Caldwell are nothing like this Tony guy or your brother Alvin. But, you need to feel confident and safe. This is a big deal and you don’t need another setback financially or emotionally. Come on. Let’s sit down and talk this out. I’m sure we can come up with something.”

They sat back down and Alicia exhaled.

“Can I just ask you something?” Marlena asked.

“Go ahead.”

“Do you like them? Monroe, Caldwell, and Max?”

Alicia pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and nodded her head. Marlena could see the tears in her eyes. She reached over and covered her hand with hers.

“Awe, honey. Is it just the financial thing that’s holding you back or this guy Tony and your brother?”

“All of the above. I don’t want to be betrayed ever again. I don’t want to worry about Tony and Alvin showing up and pushing me to be what they want me to be.”

“Then you need to stand up for yourself. You need to decide what you want.”

“That’s more easily said than done. You don’t know Tony. He can be persuasive when he wants something.”

“He sounds like a bully to me.”

Marlena listened as Alicia told her all about Dallas, the store they owned, and how Tony screwed her over. It was obvious that he broke her heart and Marlena figured out quickly that Alicia held onto the hope that she hadn’t made a mistake giving up her virginity to Tony. That was something the slimeball held over her head, too, but to know that Alicia’s brother was also pressuring her just wasn’t right. The poor woman was being controlled and threatened by not only her ex but also her brother. No wonder she was so fearful of entertaining an attraction to Max, Monroe, and Caldwell, but they were real men. These other two were nothing but trouble and they were holding Alicia back from happiness and success, never mind potentially true love.