The sound of Italian music began to play softly in the background. Max chuckled.

Alicia looked so beautiful and being in this enclosed space sent his body into such a need. Max wanted to hold her in his arms. He wanted to touch her. Hell, he wanted to claim her as their woman and bypass all this courting stuff, but his brothers and him agreed to ease her into a relationship. They needed to gain her trust and what better way than to have her work here.

“So what do you think about the window and how we have everything set up? Any ideas come to mind for it?” Monroe asked as Caldwell led them out of the secret cellar and back into the main cellar. She watched as the bookcase moved back into place.

She walked over toward the window and then back toward Monroe and Caldwell.

“You could go as extreme as you want here. I don’t know what your budget is for the job but let me think of a few ideas and get back to you. Traditionally speaking, a set of grapes clustered between a few bottles of wine that say Bordeaux, Chardonnay, and Cabernet or Pinot noir would look great. The word winery at the top, or maybe even some scene from Italy like a vineyard and people working the fields? There are lots of options,” she told them and then she took a notebook from her bag and then jotted some things down.

“Could I take a picture of this area?” she asked.

“Sure thing. Whatever you need. Oh, and there’s really no budget. We want something unique and we love your work,” Monroe told her.

“Thank you, Monroe. I appreciate the vote of confidence. I’m certain I can come up with something the three of you will love.”

She took a few different pictures showcasing each angle and then wrote some more notes. Max watched as she pulled out a tape measurer and measured the window, needing Monroe’s help to hold the tape at one end.

“You really love doing this stuff huh, Alicia?” Caldwell asked her.

“Oh yes. I love creating custom designs for people. It’s harder to recreate designs I’ve already made when people order online. I like the pieces to truly be unique but people have ideas in their heads and they are paying me. I try to get them exactly what they’ve ordered but sometimes my creativity sends me a little different way and thank God no one has complained or pulled out of an order,” she told them.

“You should open up your own store and sell the things you create and love to do. Then you won’t have to worry about recreating the same identical things for people. You can be completely in charge,” Monroe suggested.

She took a deep breath and exhaled.

“I would love to but I honestly don’t know if I can handle it on my own. I get so caught up in the creative part and the designing and making things that the business end would suffer.”

“You could always have a partner, someone who could assist you with the business aspect, marketing, advertising and all,” Monroe suggested.

“That in itself is a risk,” she said to them.

“Not with the right partner. If you’re really interested in pursuing a storefront, let me know and I would be willing to help you.”

“Oh God, Monroe, I couldn’t ask that of you. You hardly know me.”

“Well, my brothers and I are working on getting to know you, but I see your determination and your love of this art. Why don’t you mull it over while you’re working here and maybe we could come up with a deal? One that won’t make you feel like if anything went wrong we could lose this comfortable relationship and friendship we currently have?”

Max watched her hesitate and Monroe pushed. “Come on. I promise to come up with something you’ll feel comfortable with, and by the time you’re done working here and finishing the mosaic, you’ll know my brothers and I a lot better and you’ll feel comfortable. Come on,” he pushed.

“No promises but I guess so,” she replied then pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. Max saw the delight on Monroe’s face and Caldwell didn’t hide his smile as he stood by the window, arms crossed, and watched Alicia. She turned around and looked at the window again and then the wine cellar before writing some things down in her notebo

ok. She looked comfortable and happy in her art and designing. Now he understood at least something that brought a smile, a glow into her eyes. Hopefully this didn’t backfire on them.

“Great, now how about something to eat? We prepared some food earlier.”

“That wasn’t necessary. I thought I was just stopping in. I don’t want to intrude on your plans, if any.”

“Our plan was to go over some ideas for the window. So let’s head upstairs, grab some wine and snacks, and go over it again. I want to hear your ideas and how you perceive that window to be done,” Monroe said and she nodded her head and they headed upstairs. Max couldn’t help but feel a bit confident about the way things were going. If they played their cards right, Alicia would be their woman and they would focus on getting to know her in no time. Maybe Monroe’s plan would work after all?

* * * *

Initially Alicia felt pretty damn nervous being in the kitchen with Max, Caldwell, and Monroe. Soon they were joking around with one another and making her feel pretty comfortable. She found out that Max was investigating a local crime where someone was breaking into unlocked vehicles and stealing any change or sellable items. He felt that the culprits were teenagers and more than likely not from Chance. He warned her about locking her doors and she nodded in agreement but knew she would leave the door unlocked. It was easier than having to carry a key when she went jogging. She felt a bit guilty because she left the house today and left the doors unlocked, too. Maybe she should listen to his advice?

“What other businesses are you involved in right now?” she asked Monroe. He glanced at his brother Caldwell. Caldwell’s eyes were the deepest blue she had ever seen. She couldn’t help but to stare at him until Monroe cleared his throat. Caldwell licked his lower lip as he held her gaze and once again she felt out of their league. She wasn’t used to flirting or being flirted with. The last year she spent trying to gain control of her life and her emotions instead of crying herself to sleep every night. She didn’t need more heartbreak.

“Currently we have about four businesses we own. One we help operate. It’s in Dallas. It’s one of the major dance halls around town. We own two strip malls in San Antonio, one in New York,” Monroe explained.

“We have some smaller shops we own and help support like we mentioned doing for you,” Caldwell said.