When Dare finally released her, it was only to envelop her in a smothering embrace. "You drive me to madness, do you know that?" he said raggedly.
"I could say the same of you."
He held her tighter, his shoulder absorbing her sigh. He wanted to tell Julienne of his profound relief. How utterly alone he had always been without her. How he ached with the intense need to bury himself inside her. But that would keep. For now he only wanted her promise to wed him.
"You have to marry me now," he murmured against her hair. "I won't allow you any other choice. You stole my heart, Julienne, and your only hope to avoid imprisonment is to wed me."
He could feel her surprise, sense her smile. "Is that why you brought the sheriff here? To accuse me of theft? So you could intimidate me into accepting you? No, you don't need to answer," she said, exasperated laughter lacing her voice. "It is just the sort of outrageous scheme you would think of."
"That was the only way I could be sure you would hear me out. But now that you have… I'm never letting you go, Julienne. I intend to bind you to me in every way possible."
She drew back, uncertainty shadowing her beautiful features. "You may come to tire of me someday."
"No, never. Never." Reaching up, Dare cradled her face in his hands. He would never tire of her. Her sensuality and intelligence would keep him forever tantalized. He couldn't possibly feel this way for any other woman. Couldn't desire anyone else the way he desired her.
His thumbs stroked her cheekbones, her lips. "Will you be my wife, my precious Jewel?"
Shouts of encouragement came from the audience- "Say aye!" "Marry the bloke!"-but Julienne spoke clearly over the din.
"Yes, Dare. Yes. I will."
Elation, fierce as fire, swept through him. With a fervent prayer of thanks to the heavens, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her offstage to the thunderous sound of applause, away from prying eyes.
In the shadows of the wings, he set her down and wrapped Julienne in his arms again, his face nestled in her hair.
"I only hope," she murmured, "that you don't come to regret this."
"My sole regret is all the wasted years between us. We have a great deal of time to make up for, Julienne. I can only try to atone for all the pain you suffered. I swear I will do my damnedest. And I'll show you I can be a different man, that I can be better."
"I don't want you to be different, Dare. I love you exactly as you are."
He lifted their clasped hands to kiss her fingers ardently. "Say it again-tell me you love me."
"I love you, Dare. I always will."
"I will never tire of hearing that. And I swear on my life, I will never again give you cause to doubt how much I love you."
Shutting his eyes, he drew Julienne to him again, cradling her close against his heart. She was wrong; he wasn't mistaken about his feelings. He understood completely the meaning of true love.
True love was Julienne. She was his heart, his life, his hopes, his every dream.
She was his precious love. He would spend the rest of his life proving it to her.
And now that he had found her again, he would never, ever let her go.
Kent, England, July 1814
The cottage where they'd held their lovers' trysts seven years ago had changed little in the interval. The property had been carefully maintained, the garden lovingly tended and allowed to flourish. Now a profusion of sweet summer roses ran riot, perfuming the warm afternoon air as Dare carried his bride over the threshold.
Setting Julienne on her feet, he kissed her deeply, wanting to sink so completely into her that she would never be free of him.
They were married now, wed by special license because Dare had refused to wait the necessary three weeks for the banns to be read. They'd left London this morning for Kent and traveled directly to Wolverton Hall, where Dare gave his new lady only moments to change her carriage dress before he whisked her off to the cottage.
"At last," he murmured hoarsely when he allowed Julienne to catch her breath. "This has been a dream of mine for an eternity, returning here with you."
Her smile was magical and set his pulse soaring- which naturally dictated that he claim her mouth again. Responding eagerly, Julienne reached up to tangle her fingers in his hair, while her kiss reached deep inside him to twine around his heart.