Lucian was still watching her. “I had hoped I might have the pleasure of your company for breakfast, my love,” he said lightly.

“I will be down directly, but… I would like a few moments here first.”

“Certainly. I shall see you shortly.”

When he was gone, Brynn took one look at Meg and urged her to lie down


“Thank you, milady,” Meg replied, looking green around the mouth.

“Perhaps I should summon the doctor.”

“I am fine, truly. This will pass. My sister always had this trouble when she was breeding.”

When the girl curled up on her mattress, Brynn went to the washstand. Wetting one corner of a cloth, she glanced around the austere chamber with its rows of cots. It was not a particularly pleasant place to live-cold in winter and sweltering in summer. Certainly Meg could not remain here to bear her child. Not only would it set a poor example for the other servants, but a baby could not be raised here. Some other solution would have to be found.

Returning to sit beside the invalid, Brynn applied the damp cloth to the girl’s sweating brow. After a moment Meg’s nausea seemed to pass, and she opened her eyes.

“You are so kind, milady.”

Brynn returned a smile. “Would you care to tell me what happened?”

Meg dropped her gaze. “I am weak and wicked, I know, but I did not seduce him as Mrs. Poole said. It is just that he was so handsome…”

“Who is the father, Meg?” Brynn asked gently. “You should not have to bear this difficulty alone.”

The girl’s lower lip trembled. “I would rather not say. I don’t want to get him into trouble.”

“Meg, I cannot help you if I don’t understand your situation.”

“It makes no matter, anyway. He doesn’t want to wed me. But… it’s… John, milady. John Hotchkiss. He’s underfootman for Lord Bonamy, across the square.”

Brynn hesitated. “Does your John know about the child?”

“He knows.” Fresh tears welled in her eyes.

“And what does he have to say about it? ”

“He fears dismissal if he were to offer for me… Even if he could gain permission, he has no money to afford a wife. I don’t think he wants to be leg-shackled.” Meg covered her face with her hands. “It only happened twice. I never thought…”

She didn’t believe she would be so fertile, Brynn mentally concluded the unspoken sentence.

“And I never thought I would have a by-blow,” the girl moaned. “My mum would die of shame if she were alive to see it. And my sister… she is sure to disown me.”

“Do you have any other family you could live with?”

“No, milady. Just a brother who works in the mills.”

Brynn patted her shoulder, wanting to offer comfort. “Well, we will think of something.”

Looking up abruptly, Meg grasped her hand and gave it a fervent kiss. “Milady, you are truly an angel.”

Flushing, Brynn rose to her feet. “Try to get some rest, Meg. I need a little time to consider what to do.”

She summoned the butler and asked him to send for the doctor, then joined Lucian in the breakfast parlor. When he looked up from the morning paper, Brynn was struck again by the intense blue of his eyes.

“I gather peace has been restored?” he commented when she was settled at the table and the footmen had withdrawn.