Page 67 of I Kissed The Boss

“Than fucking my boss?”

“Who said anything about fucking?” Chantara blinked innocently.

“Damn it! You did. When you said he had a big dick and you talked about his desk and after hours.”

“Well, I was just guessing at that. I didn’t say you had to do it. But really, would it be so bad to go out on a date? Let him treat you nice and spoil you a little? Don’t you think you deserve that? You’ve been through the worst of it, Cal. You’re my best friend. You’re a great person. I think you do deserve someone good in your life. You definitely deserve to have some fun once in a while. You’re not dead. You’re still under thirty. Please, live your life before you wind up one morning as an eighty year old woman and you have to look back on it and decide you did nothing with the best years of your life.”

“I am doing good with them.”

“Uh huh. Books and baths are all well and good, but they shouldn’t be all you do. Let him take you out, just once. Tell him once and that’s it. I bet he’ll do something nice, like the opera or symphony or something. Those are nice rich people places.”

“Geez. He’ll probably take me for fast food and back to the office right to his desk. Just like you said. Guys like that, they want one thing only. He had me screening his calls, remember?”

“That’s probably just because he went out with a few psycho chicks. Money attracts all kinds. Maybe it wasn’t even his fault.”

“He looks like a god. I’m sure it was his fault.”

“A god hey?” Chantara’s brow arched up. “So, you have been thinking about him?”

“No, I haven’t been thinking about him. But just look at him. He is tall and jacked and he…” he probably does have a big dick. She cut that off right there. She couldn’t even believe she was considering her boss’ dick at the moment. Her entire body clenched. Her heart rate kicked up to a painful level, her pulse slammed at the side of her jawline and there was a distinct throbbing in a distinctly wrong spot.

“See? You want to do it! Do it then! Just go out and let yourself have a good time! It’s not like you have any other prospects. I know you don’t believe in dating online and you’ll never go out and find someone. This is the best case scenario. Besides, don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that kiss.”

“That’s what said,” Callie said grumpily. “He kept getting me to try and deny it and I couldn’t because- well, I guess I did. But who wouldn’t? It’s Matt Hilbert! He’s the sexiest man in Denver.”

“Is he?” Chantara’s lips twitched in amusement.

“Don’t laugh at me. I swear if you laugh-”

“What? You’ll throw pizza at me?” Chantara giggled. “The whole thing is funny. That kiss. Maybe it was meant to be. Just roll with it for once in your damn life. Stop being so uptight. Stop being a huge martyr. You guys are both adults. One date isn’t going to kill you. You can end it at that, and he’ll probably leave you alone if you want him to. As it is now, you’re only going to have him after you harder.”

“That sounds disgusting.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. What I meant is, you told him no when it was pretty clear you didn’t honestly mean it. He’s going to keep asking you until you say yes. Most guys like a chase.”

“I wasn’t trying to be a tease.”

“I know that, and he probably knows it, but he also probably likes a challenge. Guys like him don’t get where they are by giving up early.”

“Guys like him have been handed the entire world,” Callie huffed. “We aren’t on level playing field. He’s my boss and he has money. So does his family. Probably. I don’t really know, but it makes me feel weird. Like I’m somehow below him.”

“Matt would never make you feel like that. Only you are making you feel like that. You’re your own worst enemy, Cal. Just go out there and give it a chance. Going out with him once isn’t going to bring the world to an end. No one has to know about it at work and I’m sure he will respect you enough to cut it off after if you don’t enjoy it. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that’s pushy or rude or who would take advantage of someone.”

“Oh really? This from someone who doesn’t even know him?”

“I’ve worked at the same place for two years with Matt. I get the impression he’s a nice guy. Really.”

“Oh, do you?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Funny you say that now. You were perfectly happy to make fun of him before.”