Page 5 of I Kissed The Boss

“Holy shit!” Trey cursed under his breath.

Ambi let out a scream of surprise as he rounded the table. It only took him a second to reach her and she was indeed wearing a dress. And it was not tight enough to hide the fact that she had bright red lace panties on beneath.

Who the hell wore bright red lace panties to a business meeting? Fuck. Now he wasn’t just nervous as hell, he was also hard as hell. He bent, taking care to hide the fact that there was a fucking camping party going on in his pants, tents pitched all over the place and stared at Ambi.

He offered his hand, the one not still clutching the cheque, but she looked at him like she’d rather eat a shit sandwich than accept his help.

She pushed herself to her feet, pulled down her dress, adjusted her sweater, and brushed the clinging strands of her hair from her face. God, her hair. It trailed well past her waist.

Trey straightened, threw the cheque down on the table, and slammed his hands into his pockets to hide the fact that his dick really appreciated her being there. It was like the bastard wanted to greet her after five long years. Shake her hand, maybe. Her mouth…

Fuck again. Trey did his best to block out the mental images that came to mind the second he saw Ambi. It wasn’t his fault. They had a history. There was enough material there for him to draw on for years to come. Even if they didn’t, she was gorgeous. Five nine, but curvy in every place that mattered. Annnnnnd apparently wearing red lace panties. Maybe she’d known all along he was going to crash her meeting and she’d come dressed to slay.

“What the hell are you doing here?” she hissed, and there went that assumption. She bared her teeth, genuinely pissed.

“It’s good to see you too, Ambi.”

“Don’t Ambi me,” she shot back, her face suffused with rage. “It’s Amberina for you. Better yet, don’t address me at all. You have no right to use my name in any capacity. What are you doing here? I’m not meeting with you.”

“Well, I work here,” Trey started, being purposely obnoxious. Neither of them moved to take a seat.

God. Seeing Ambi was like a punch right to the throat. It stole all his breath and made even the most basic functions, like swallowing impossible. He was pretty sure he might actually have a river of saliva trailing out of the corner of his mouth, but he didn’t want to take his hands out of his pants pockets to check seeing as that would give away just how much he enjoyed seeing her.

“And secondly, you are meeting with me. I’ve decided to be your contact for this. Sarah is busy with other things and I thought I’d help her out where I could.”

Ambi blinked. “Help out your admin assistant? Or whoever’s assistant she is? Doubtful. People like you don’t get your hands dirty and you don’t stoop to mingle with the common folk.” The words were venomous and before he could react, Ambi grabbed up her black tote from the floor. She swept her flowing hair over her shoulder. “See you. Enjoy finding someone else to plan your party.”

“What? No!” Ambi might be fast, but he was faster. Trey pretty much ran to block the door and he stood there, an obnoxious as hell tree that he knew Ambi couldn’t budge even if she tried. Judging by the way she looked at him like she wouldn’t touch him with a hundred-foot pole, she wasn’t going to try.

Her brows knitted together, and her lips pursed. “I am not under any obligation to take this contract. Nothing was signed or agreed on. No money was exchanged. I would never, ever work for you. Ever. So, dream fucking on, Trey. Nice try.”

He slowly crossed his arms, praying that Ambi wouldn’t look down, because he was pretty sure that he was still indecent south of the border. Thankfully, Ambi always had been one for maintaining eye contact, even when she was pissed.

She was even prettier when she was in a rage like someone opened her up and filled her full of fire, sunshine, and life. She’d always lived in a way that most people didn’t. Like she floated instead of walked, sparkled and dazzled in bright color when everyone else was shades of foggy grey.

He had to admit that he felt a little drunk, like his head was going to lift right off his shoulders, and no, it wasn’t because Ambi was looking at him like she’d rather see his head on a pike.

“I’ll double your asking price. And I’ll make sure that every contact we have in this city and beyond knows who planned our very successful event. I’ll make sure your business increases tenfold this year. You’ll have to hire some real employees.”