Page 79 of I Kissed The Boss

She sure as hell wasn’t shy in the shower. Matt suspected that even Callie was surprised at herself.

He set her down gently on the bed and she scooted up. He ripped open the drawer of his nightstand. It only took him a few seconds to find the little packet he was looking for, rip it open, and slide it in place.

“Matt- I…” Callie panted. “I haven’t done this in a while.”

“It’s alright,” he assured her. “We can take it slow. Unless…” the word was painful. “Unless you want to stop.”

“No.” She shook her head vehemently, her eyes glassed over with passion. “No, I don’t want to stop. I just want you to know. Because I’m probably going to be bad at it.”

It was his turn to shake his head in denial. “No way. Not possible.” He could have sworn she was blushing, but it was too dark to be sure.

Her hair hung around her shoulders in wet clumps. It was so much darker when it was wet. Her eyelashes were thick and clumped together in little star patterns. Her lips were swollen from his kisses. Little beads of water trailed down her shoulders, her breasts, her stomach, her legs. Every single inch of her was so damn beautiful. Flawless. It was flawless. She was flawless.

“So- what- uh- do you want to do?” Callie asked. She sounded like she was ready for a negotiation session and Matt paused.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean- uh- what position do you want me?”

He didn’t know whether to smile, laugh or groan. She stared up at him, eyes wide and searching. “You don’t have to ask me, that,” he said gently. “We’ll just start and then you can take the lead. How’s that?”

“What if- I don’t know what you like?”

He nearly laughed. “Trust me. I like everything.” When it comes to you. He cut that off, not wanting to make her any more uncomfortable than she probably already was.

“Alright,” she whispered in a tiny voice.

He knelt on the bed, sure to keep the lower half of him away from her. She seemed shy and nervous, which was a little strange after she’d been so lusty and alive and- and loud- in the shower. He’d bank those fires again. He’d bring her back to the point where she needed him, where she was moaning and whimpering and crying out his name again.

Matt braced himself on either side of her slim shoulders. He bent his head and claimed those beautiful kiss swollen lips before he broke away and moved to her breasts.

“God, you have beautiful breasts,” he panted. They were full, but not too full. The little pink buds stood on end and he closed his mouth over each one in turn, licking and suckling.

“Really?” Her little gasp was adorable.

“Really.” He bit her left nipple gently just to emphasize his point.

She arched up under him, pushing her breast into his mouth. He licked and suckled her, and she writhed and moaned below him. Her hips bucked beneath him, but she froze when his cock hit her thigh. He froze too, stilled and just enjoyed throbbing against her delicate skin.

“I want to ride you,” she said, out of nowhere.

Matt was completely blindsided. He hadn’t seen it coming, but damn, he sure as hell wasn’t going to refuse. He reached down and gripped Callie’s hips, turning her easily so that in one swift motion, she was the one on top. She shifted, untangling their limbs, straddling him. The warmth of her thighs burned right through him. Just when he thought he couldn’t get any harder, she gripped his cock.

“Fuck,” he ground out as her hand closed over him. She immediately relaxed her hold.

“I’m sorry,” she gasped. “Did I hurt you? Oh god, I said I wasn’t very good at this-”

“No,” he ground out. “No, you did not hurt me.”

It took a second for that to sink in, but when it did, Callie let out a nervous giggle and her small hand closed around his shaft again. She gripped him tight and he did his best to control another groan. He ground his teeth together so hard that it actually hurt.

She whimpered when his cockhead grazed along her clit on the way to her entrance. She eased down on his cock with absolutely no other foreplay. Which he was damn glad for. If she stroked him any more with that tight little fist of hers, the fun might be over right there. Which would be damn embarrassing.

She took him slowly, inch by inch. She was so tight and warm, it took a herculean amount of willpower just to concentrate on not fucking coming right that second.

“God,” he groaned. “Fuck…” It wasn’t at all decent language, but he couldn’t stop himself. A groan was torn from his throat just as Callie whimpered above him.