Page 72 of I Kissed The Boss

“For tonight, let’s just forget about that. You’ve done a good job so far. Just forget about it for an hour longer. I promise that’s all it will take.”

He turned around and got in his car with all his gear on, started it and drove off before she had time to protest or change her mind. Smooth. Real smooth. It didn’t even occur to her until she was halfway to Matt’s house, to wonder just what that hour was for. That’s all it will take. What the hell did he mean by that?



Matt could tell Callie was thawing out. She’d been pretty frigid at the beginning of the date, but after the first couple of runs down the hill she really opened up. She was laughing and having a good time and he got a glimpse of the woman she probably was outside work. Or maybe not. Maybe she’s reserved at home as well. There was something about sledding, about just letting go and being a kid again, that brought out the best in everyone. He felt better than he had in ages.

He pulled into his garage and was in the house just long enough to find a spare change of clothes for himself and lay one out on the couch for Callie before she rang the bell.

Matt opened the door, not completely surprised to see that Callie was already back to being guarded. Obviously, she’d thought way too hard on the thirty minute drive over. She hadn’t bailed though, so there was still hope for him.

He was in the middle of pulling his T-shirt over his head when he answered the door. He realized, once he finally had the damn thing pulled down, that Callie was eyeing him up suspiciously. He felt her stare, hot and fiery, rake along his body then quickly back up to his face. The blush that always seemed to be there lately, was back. His entire body heated up and since he was wearing sweats, he turned quickly so that she couldn’t see that his cock had a mind of its own.

“Here. I found you a change of clothes.” He indicated the sweats and t-shirt on the edge of the couch. “The bathroom is down the hall, first door on the right.”

“Thanks,” Callie mumbled.

Matt figured there was a good chance she wanted to escape out the front door and run back to her car. He almost expected to hear the door slam behind him when he turned his back. It didn’t.

“Do you eat pasta?”


“Pasta?” He turned half back around, just in time to see Callie kick off her boots. She bent and lined them up on the matt and he tried not to stare at her ass as she did so. Thank god she was wearing snow pants and a jacket still and most of her behind was covered up. “Do you like it? There aren’t many things I can cook, but it’s one of them. I have red sauce or white sauce. Or… I have a premade bag of salad in the fridge-”

“Pasta is fine, thanks.” Callie scooped up the clothes, ducked her head and rushed off in the direction of the hall. She left a wet trail in her wake as her sopping snow pants were too long, dragged down from being wet.

“You can hang your wet clothes over the shower bar,” Matt called, but he got no response.

He headed off to the kitchen, trying to damn well control himself. He’d invited Callie over for dinner and that was it. Absolutely it. He didn’t want to imagine her in his clothes, wearing his t-shirt and his sweats. He couldn’t help it. His thoughts totally went there, and he knew before she even emerged from the bathroom that she was going to be hot.

Of course, he was right.

He raised his head and his hand froze. He had been chopping herbs, but that was quickly forgotten. The knife hovered midair. The clothes were way too big. Callie swam in his t-shirt, even though the thing was one of his smallest ones. She’d tucked it into the grey sweats and tied up the drawstring probably as far as it would go. They rode low on her hips. She looked… god, she was so sexy he forgot to breathe for a minute. He was so used to seeing her in work clothes, nothing but perfection, well put together, composed. It was nice to see her a little- undone.

The ends of her long blonde hair were wet and hung in clumps. The parts that had been under her toque were mussed. He could tell she’d tried to run her fingers through it to smooth it out. He found himself wishing he could have done that for her. Her hair looked like it was soft. Real soft. It probably feels like silk.