Page 62 of I Kissed The Boss

“And you were hoping I could help you fill something in?”

“I guess so.”

Chantara shook her head. “I honestly don’t remember. I don’t even know how or why I had so many drinks. I don’t remember that either. I guess we started, and they were cheap and they tasted good and it just got out of control from there.”

“I think the bartender was free pouring. I seem to remember my first couple of drinks being really strong and then they kind of just went down easier after I got a little buzzed.”

“Hmm. Could be. At any rate, that guy and the DJ caused a fair bit of trouble. At least for us.”

“What am I going to do? I’m so afraid that whoever it is might write me up. And I’m afraid that someone might have seen it.”

Chantara shrugged. “Don’t be. Don’t be so worried. First of all, I’m sure whoever kissed you had a little something to do with it. You’re a pretty girl, Callie. Anyone in their right mind would definitely want to make out with you. If they wrote you up, they’d have to write themselves up too.”

“It was one kiss,” Callie hissed. “Not a make-out session.”

“In your case, I wish it was a full-on make out. You could use a little bit of spice in your life.”

“Chantara,” Callie said in warning.

“Seriously. I know all about you and what happened with Ben, but it’s been so long! You need to get on with your life! You aren’t dead, Callie. There are good things waiting for you down the line. You just have to take a chance and put yourself out there again.”

“I am definitely not interested in doing that.”

“I know. I wish you were though. Then I wouldn’t have to worry about you.”

“What do you mean worry about me? You don’t have to worry about me.” Callie softened her tone. “You’re my best friend. I’ll be fine. I’m just not interested in doing any of that right now. There are other things in life.”

“Like what? Books? You read way too much.”

“There isn’t anything wrong with books.”

“You need more hobbies! You need to get out more. Maybe you’d meet someone then and you’d realize that all guys aren’t bad.”

“I don’t think all guys are bad. I’m just really not interested.” Callie wished she could have said that Chantara sounded like a nagging parent or sister or something, but she couldn’t. Her family didn’t nag her. They didn’t know the first thing about her life, because they hadn’t been involved in it since her breakup with Ben and barely before that.

“So really, you’re just here for confirmation that you’re not going to get fired. You don’t want me to help you figure out who it is. Because I could ask around-”

“No!” Callie gripped Chantara’s arm frantically. The files nearly fell to the floor. Chantara shifted them and grinned.

“Relax. I’m not going to do that. I was just kidding. Don’t worry about your job. No one saw. And everyone was doing some really dumb shit that night, I bet. I think that we weren’t the only ones who got a little drunk. I’ve heard a few whispered conversations going around the office. Yours isn’t the first mistletoe story that I’ve heard.”

“Oh god. I’m afraid to ask.”

“It’s probably better if you don’t. I think that bartender was to blame for all of it. Let’s just go with that. His drinks were waaaay too strong.”

“Oh geez. Okay, next year, I definitely am not going to the Christmas party.”

“What?” Chantara giggled. “And miss out on all the excitement! At least you got a kiss. I went home and all I got out of the night was a killer hangover the next day. You at least enjoyed yourself.”

“I didn’t enjoy myself,” Callie protested, face hot again.

“Right.” Chantara rolled her eyes. “I’m glad you did. It makes me think there is some hope for the future.” She shifted the folders and walked off down the hallway, laughing softly to herself.

Callie gave herself a full minute to try and regulate her heartbeat, return her breathing to a normal pace and try and get her face under control before she went back to her desk. She sat down heavily and brushed her hands nervously over her loose hair. It was a habit and she knew it. She carefully tucked the long strands behind her ears and found something else to occupy her hands.

When she glanced behind her at Matt’s office, she swore he saw him look away quickly, back down to whatever he was working on, but she couldn’t be sure.

She couldn’t be sure at all. Not about the kiss. It drove her nuts. She was going to have to find out who it was, or she was going to drive herself insane.



He wasn’t creepy. Normally.

The things he’d been doing for the past week, okay, that was a little weird. Maybe even a little stalker like. No, not that far. He wasn’t a stalker.