Page 53 of I Kissed The Boss

“Like I said. It’s your own fault. You attract the wrong kind of person. You go for the same kind of girl every single time.”

“It doesn’t help that my mom keeps asking me when I’m going to finally settle down and give her grandkids.”

Jason rolled his eyes. “Ignore it. Moms always say things like that.”

“I’m serious. She’s been at it for a few years and I can tell she means it. My dad too. When I go over there, I get the same questions every single time. I would ignore it, but it makes me feel like there really is something wrong with me. I used to like just going out and have fun. If that’s all they wanted, I was in. I never used to even think about getting serious. That was like the plague. And then when I actually want it-”

“It’s nothing but a clusterfuck.”

“Right.” Matt finally took a sip of his beer. It wasn’t warm, even though it was overly warm in the house. It was damn well bordering on tropical how high Jason had it in there. Compliments of November in Denver.

“Maybe you’re trying too hard. Just stop.”

“That’s what I came here to say I was doing. I’m done. I don’t care if I spend the rest of my life alone. Seriously, it would be better than how I’ve been doing so far.”

“I agree.”

“That’s because you always wanted to be a bachelor.” Matt drained the rest of his beer. He plopped the empty bottle down on the small amount of bare counter space he could find. “Can I have another?”

Jason nodded towards the fridge. “Help yourself.”

Matt did. He let his friend pass him a bottle opener and he cracked the top on a fresh beer. Normally they’d be watching some game by now or playing pool in the basement or working on Jason’s house, which was a never-ending money pit, but Jason sensed right away that the conversation was going to be serious as soon a Matt walked through the door. He wasted no time in offering beers and his sage advice.

“I might have- wanted to avoid all the shit that everyone else wades through, but- hey… that’s what I’ve always wanted and it’s not going to change given that I’m older or how much my parents bemoan the fact I’m never going to give them a grandkid. They think there is something morally flawed with me. If there is, I blame them. They raised me after all.”

“I’m sure your mom appreciated you telling her that.”

Jason grinned. “I’m not that dumb. I would never say that to her. I was kidding. They raised me fine. I just see all the shit everyone else goes through- I’ve seen what you’ve been through, and I just don’t want any part of that.”

“It can’t all be bad, can it?”

“I think it can. For you, at any rate. I’ve been lucky enough to find people that just want to keep things casual and they respect the boundaries. I think I find the good ones because they realize I have no extra money to give them. I’m not a nice person either. I don’t do anything to help, so they don’t expect it in the future.”

“That’s a lie. You’d give your left nut for me.”

Jason raised a brow. “Would I? You seem pretty confident about that. I think I’d like to keep my nuts, thank you very much.”

“Yeah, well- anyway. I’m done. I’m taking a break. No more anything for a while.”

“Your life sounds like it’s going to be really damn boring from here on out.”

“It might be, but it can’t be worse than what it’s been.”

“Wholly agreed on that front.”

“I can count on you to keep me entertained, can’t I? You always seem to have a limitless amount of things to do that don’t involve going out.”

“No. I just prefer to skip out on the things I don’t like to do. Plays and ballets and shopping and musicals and whatever else. Nope. Hell no. I never signed on for that. I’m not about faking it until I make it. I don’t want to make whatever it is that is at the end of that shit road. You’re better off getting rid of that nice house of yours and buying a fixer-upper. Believe me, they take all your time one way or another. Between fixing them up and working to pay to fix them up, it eats up all your spare minutes.”

“I might just have to do that.”

“Or get a dog. Or both.” Jason shook his head. “I’m sorry, I just can’t imagine you not going out anymore. Not doing all that shit that I hate so much.”

“It wasn’t that bad-”

“No? It sure sounds like it was a blast according to what you’re telling me right now. I warned you about that. I told you never to get involved with online shit. I told you to just stop with the dating and the looking and the drama and trying to please people you’ll never be able to please because they only want one thing and it isn’t what you want to give.”