Page 29 of I Kissed The Boss

He held out as long as he could, then he reared up over her, claiming her mouth and kissing her brutally. He kissed her so hard that their teeth clanged together, but they didn’t stop. Ambi whimpered and ground against him, chasing another climax close on the heels of the first. He wanted to give that to her. He ground his pelvis against her panty clad heat, his cock begging to be let inside. He didn’t have a condom and he knew that was a no-fucking-go, for a ton of obvious reasons. Even if Ambi was on the pill, there was no way he was going in bareback. That was too intimate, too fast, too soon.

He wanted to keep creating that friction, dry-wet humping her like a teenage kid, but his control slipped. One second he had it together, the next, he lost it. He kissed the shit out of her, their bodies heaving together, drinking in what little oxygen she had left to give, marveling over how perfect they still fit together- maybe even more perfect than they had before- and the next there was a black screen filled up with bright flashing lights behind his eyes and he was coming, in thick, hot spurts all over Ambi’s panties, her stomach, her thighs.

Trey jerked back as soon as it happened. He stared down at Ambi, at what he’d just done. It was dirty and it was so ridiculously hot. He still felt like he should apologize though since he hadn’t meant to get that carried away and he definitely hadn’t asked her permission to take things that far.

Before he could get the words out, she froze. Her eyes fluttered open and she glanced down at her stomach. The next instant, every muscle in her body stiffened, like she was slowly turning to stone, one muscle at a time.

“Ambi, I-”

“Just get off me.” She shoved at him, which would have been a butterfly trying to move a polar bear, but he got the picture and rolled away before her wildly swinging hands could connect with any of his more vital parts.

He complied, scrambling away. He glanced around wildly, spotted the blanket that he’d been covered up with, and scrambled to get it.

“Not the blanket!” Ambi ground out. She sat up and stormed off down the hall, slamming the bathroom door shut behind her.

Trey stood there like an idiot. Completely. Naked.

He figured he had better not be standing that way by the time Ambi emerged. Who knew what she’d be coming out of the bathroom with? She probably kept objects like curling irons and scissors in there and god knew what else that she could use as a weapon.

He went straight to the dryer and opened the door. His clothes were pretty much dry, though he did basically scald himself putting his pants on with the hot zipper. Thank god his boxers provided enough of a shield that his man bits didn’t take the brunt of the heat.

Thankfully, he was doing up the last button on his shirt when Ambi emerged from the bathroom. She had a fluffy pink robe wrapped around herself, one he remembered seeing on the back of the bathroom door. Her eyes were tear-filled, even after she swiped at them with the back of her hand. He hated her tears. He didn’t want her to cry. Her wobbling lips felt like a knife straight to his stomach.

“Ambi- I- seriously. I didn’t mean for that to happen. I- it- please. I’m sorry.”

She shook her head, her already mussed hair flying wildly like a black velvet curtain all around her. “It wasn’t that,” she sighed. She sounded tired. So. Fucking. Tired. “It’s everything. This- this never should have happened.”

“No- it- it should have. I- Ambi, we were good together. We could be good again. Please. Just give me a chance to prove it to you.”

She shook her head again and his hopes sunk lower and lower with every movement. Her eyes filled up with tears again, but she blinked rapidly, refusing to let them fall.

“The biggest mistake of my life wasn’t getting dumped by you. It was letting you think we could ever do this again. We can’t. That was the biggest mistake of my life. Right there.”


She put up her hand, silencing him. “No. Just go. Now.”

“Come on. At least sit down and let’s talk-”

“Right now!” She stamped her barefoot for emphasis.

It was pretty obvious that anything he had to say was just going to make everything worse. He had to try. One more time. He couldn’t walk out like this. He’d been stupid enough to let her go before. He wasn’t ready to make that mistake again.

“I really am sorry. We’re- what we- I still l-”

There was no way she was letting him get that out. Her eyes widened to the point where they looked like they were going to pop out. Her hands balled into fists at her sides. “You need to go downstairs now. Wait there until the storm is over. I don’t care if it takes until morning. You can sleep in the damn desk chair or go out and brave the storm if you want, but you can’t be here. Not in my apartment. Not anywhere near me.”