Page 11 of I Kissed The Boss

“Yes, that’s right.”

“I’ll have a taste of that then,” Ambi said.

Marcella nodded. “I’ll go get you a plate. One minute.”

Ambi dug the toe of her boot into the tile while Marcella was gone. She turned and showed him her back, which was still the sexiest back on the planet. She refused to talk to him and for once, he didn’t know what to say. He was still trying to come up with something when Marcella swept back into the room.

“Here you are, sweetheart.” She handed Ambi the plate. “How’s business going? And your family? Everyone’s well?”

Ambi’s back was to him, but he could hear the joy in her voice. It hurt. It shouldn’t, because he’d done it to himself, but it did.

She received the plate from Marcella, with a single slice of cake on it. It came with a metal fork. Trey’s entire world narrowed to the point of watching her scrape that fork across the glass, gather up a small piece of cake. That fork. The cake. Her hand never wavered as she brought the fork to her mouth. To those full, lush, coral-hued bow lips. Her mouth parted and the fork slipped inside. Her lips caressed the tines and her eyes closed in pleasure.

When the fork popped out again, it was licked clean. He nearly died on the spot.

“This is amazing, Marcella. Not that anything I’ve ever tried wasn’t, but I think you’ve really outdone yourself this time.”

It caught Trey off guard. Something so simple, so mundane as tasting something, shouldn’t be so- so… sexual. He felt lightheaded, the rest of his body just as light, like he’d float off to the ceiling and dissipate there, amongst the fluorescent lights and white speckled rectangular tiles. Something warm and ridiculous blossomed in his chest. It leaked into other parts right after, his stomach, his limbs, his heart. He was suffused with it, flooded, and it erased all the common sense he should have had. The barriers between him and Ambi crumbled, at least in his mind.

He was moving, stepping towards her. She stood there, too shocked to move as he drew near. He had no business being there, in her physical space. It felt too private. Too real. Yet there he was.

“I changed my mind,” he said huskily. Darkly. “I do want a taste.”

Ambi’s eyes fluttered shut, just for a second. He should have stopped. He should have, but he didn’t. He gripped Ambi’s jaw, so warm and delicate and alive, between his thumb and index finger, tilted her face up and slammed his lips over hers.



He’s kissing me. Oh my god, he’s actually freaking kissing me right now.

Ambi’s brain seriously checked out, because that was her first thought. Not anything along the lines of that he was her mortal enemy, that he tasted like a shit sandwich, that he was foul and gross and evil, and she needed to shove him away.

In fact, her brain was so messed up that her default reaction was to shut off all common sense, let down her guard to a pathetic new low, and lean into him like she was freezing to death and he was some lifesaving kind of fire. Her instincts should have kicked up and kicked into flight mode, but they chose a different mode entirely. Instead of running, she was taking in the body heat seeping through his jacket. She was shutting her eyes and drown in the sensations. Firm lips, demanding and unyielding, going to war with hers. Fingers that were just as unyielding yet gentle on her jaw. His fingers were scalding. His lips were even hotter.

When Trey’s tongue butted up against her lips, she crashed back to reality. Trey was horrible. She’d loved him and he’d shattered her heart so he could get rich instead. He’d never tried to stand up for her. For them. He’d left her crushed and broken-hearted without so much as a backward glance.

As the facts crashed in and crushed her all over again, she got her scrambled wits together enough to pull back, since both her hands were full. Trey’s lips detached from hers. His body heat left her, but he’d planted his insidious warmth inside of her like a virus. Her lips burned. Her entire body burned. Her brain felt like it was boiling inside her skull.

“You asshole!” Ambi stabbed out with the fork in her right hand, barely missing Trey’s chest. “Get away from me!”

He stepped back but shot her a shit-eating grin that made her stomach churn and set fires in all the wrong places and a volley of cold tingles to other, worse spots. Namely the one throbbing between her thighs. Trey had strings anchored in her belly, in her thighs and legs, in her lips and the traitorous parts of her heart that couldn’t get over him and the stupid mush of her brain that couldn’t forget him. He was pulling those strings, yanking on them.