“You already got everything going and seasoned, Ms. B. I can take it from here.” The perky Goth didn't even break stride as she slipped from stove to counter, checking each dish.

I'm not sure, but I don't have time to argue it. Time for trial by fire, I guess.

“OK, but you know where I'll be. Don't hesitate to call, or take things off the menu. I'm sure everyone in town will know before the lunch rush starts, so no one will expect us to be open. They'll understand if we're not, but not if we compromise on quality, got it?” Kyara was already heading upstairs as she spoke.

“I'm on it. You just go take care of your family,” came Crystal's voice up behind her.

The dash around the apartment and the drive to the sheriff’s office went by in a haze of horrified “what-ifs.”

What if Marcus really did do something wrong? It's all Marsh will need to go crazy.

What if Marsh goes off on him like he did on me? Marcus will lose it.

What if Marcus gives him an excuse to add charges? We'll be caught up in the legal system forever.

What if... what if ... what if?

Kyara got to the tiny station just as Caitlin and Trip pulled up, her massive brother barely fitting in the passenger seat of Caitlin's tiny car.

“Do you know what this is about?” asked Kyara as they all piled out.

“No,” said Trip, “but he's supposed to name me as his lawyer, and I haven't gotten a phone call, so something's off.”

“I filled him in about Marsh” said Caitlin a little breathlessly.

“We'll deal with that if and when it's an issue,” said Trip as they reached the door. “Right now, let's just find out what happened.”

They entered the station together.

Officer Marsh sat at his desk, his normally slouched posture ramrod straight as he moved papers around his desk. Ashley sat across from him, her jaw clenched.

Trip's long strides carried him easily across the floor.

“We aren't having visiting hours just now,” said Marsh, his mouth twisted in a nasty smirk. “As I've explained to this misguided young lady. Feel free to take her home, though.”

Trip slowly eyed the pudgy sheriff behind the desk.

“As excellent policy, Officer Marsh, particularly as my client hasn't seen his lawyer yet. I'll need you to let me in to talk to him right away.”

Marsh leaned back in his chair, a look of disrespect shooting across his face.

“Boy, I know every lawyer in the area, and unless you spent yesterday getting it taken care of, I don't believe you're licensed in the state of Vermont.” The sheriff kicked both feet up on the desk, muddy heels pointed at Trip.

Trip nodded his head slightly, acknowledging the point.

“An excellent point, officer. I'm glad to see that you are so careful about following the letter of the law. I'd hate to think the young man in there had been taken into custody with anything other than the finest attention to detail. If you'll give me just one moment.” Trip stepped back from the desk.

Kyara, Caitlin, and Ashley watched this exchange with astonishment. Ashley seemed angrier by the second. Caitlin almost seemed to be taking notes.

I know that look, thought Kyara as she studied her brother. He's got something.

Kyara's eyes swung back to the painfully smug look on Rich Marsh's face.

I almost feel sorry for him, she reflected gleefully. This is not going to be pretty.

Trip walked outside, Ashley, Caitlin, and Kyara trailing along behind him. Once out in the cold, he flipped open his phone and hit speed-dial.

“Hi, Nancy? It's John. John Bell. I'm up in Vermont and I have a bit of a situation. Who do we know in the area?”