"Kyara," said Crystal, her voice full of curiosity and caution. "I think this one is for you."

Kyara bustled over. Crystal handed her the ticket without a word.

The ticket was not in the handwriting of any of the dining room staff. In large, blocky letters, the note read.


With a cry of surprise, Kyara rushed into the dining area.

Two large, black men stood awkwardly in the center of the dining room.

The older, Trip, had the build of a linebacker. His face was just starting to go round, but that couldn't hide his square jaw and high cheekbones. His suit fit him perfectly.

The younger one, Marcus, was just a few inches shorter, but leaner, made of hard muscle. A thin pencil of a mustache, one he insisted made him look older, twitched above his tightly compressed mouth.

While Trip seemed cool and collected, Marcus' eyes tried to take in the entire room at once, darting from white face to white face as if he expected them all to attack at any minute.

Kyara stood, staring at them in total shock. They stared back. Then, without a word, Trip swept forward, catching her up in an enormous bear hug. Helplessly, Kyara submitted to her brother's embrace, shuddering a little under the impact when her other brother joined in as well.

"Boys," she choked out eventually, "It's wonderful to see you, but I'm gonna need some air."

Wordlessly, they placed her feet back on the floor without backing up.

Kyara became aware of the overwhelming silence in the dining room. She smiled, by now completely used to how quietly nosy the whole little town was.

That said, she decided, no sense in making more of a scene.

"Well," she said at last. "I only have one order for the two of you. Sit down and order proper. And no bullying my staff. I've got a business to run here, and you two can just wait until after the dinner rush is over." She nodded, shooing them away with her hands just like their mother had always done. The giant men responded, Trip with an amused twist to his mouth, Marcus with a glare.

Kyara whisked back into the kitchen, her mind reeling.

It's wonderful to see them, but what are they doing here?

More importantly, how did they find me?

The dinner rush ended later than usual, more or less the whole town seeming to stop by to take the measure of the two strangers waiting, not entirely patiently, for the restaurant to close. Eventually, though, Kyara managed to get the kitchen shut down, Crystal promising to finish up the prep for tomorrow.

Both eager and worried, Kyara swept out to meet her brothers.

They sat in the corner, Trip reading a faded paperback, Marcus practically vibrating in his seat. Marcus jumped up the moment she appeared.

“About time,” he barked.

Kyara arched an eyebrow at him, doing her best to channel their mother.

“Why don't you boys join me upstairs,” she said, trying to sound gracious. “I expect we all have a lot to say.”

The two men followed her through the kitchen, barely fitting in the tight confines of the interior stairs up to her apartment.

She let them in, quickly scanning to make sure she, or Jason, hadn't left any signs of their latest encounter.

Last thing I need is to have to explain that one.

“Come on inside,” she told her brothers. “It's not much to look at, but it's home. Not like I spend much time up here anyway.”

That's it, she told herself. Keep control of the situation, just like Mama. These are naughty little boys intruding where they're not welcome. Don't let them make you feel bad. Kyara repeated the thought to herself again and again, trying to project it with every movement.

“Now,” she said briskly. “What do you two think you're doing up here?”