Slowly, careful not to wake him, Kyara turned.

She could barely make out his face in the dark. Only the light of the street lamp coming in through the window gave her anything to go by at all. He slept carelessly, sprawled across as much of the bed as he could claim. Her hand had come to rest on his arm, but as her eyes adjusted, she saw that his shirt was gone as well. The smooth curve of his chest peeked out of the blankets, revealing the tiny bud of one nipple.

Kyara gulped, letter her eyes explore him. His head was flung back over the pillow, drawing attention to the line of his neck.

Kyara leaned in, wanting to run a line of kisses along it, up to his full, moist lips. She only just stopped herself short of touching him.

What are you thinking? she scolded herself. You told yourself you wouldn't do this. Never again.

You also told yourself that you'd never tell anyone what happened. And that you wouldn't fall in love again.

Love? Is that what this is? The thought made her pause, just watching his chest rise and fall.

Last night changed things. He was there for me, and I for him. I don't want to trust him, but I do. In spite of everything, I do.

Jason shifted in his sleep, slowly pulling the blanket to the side in a long, slow, strip tease. Kyara watched it slip off of him. It came a bit at a time, first revealing the bulge of his shoulders, then the swell of his chest, the long, flat line of his stomach.

I wonder if he took his pants off as well? wondered Kyara, mesmerized. Before she could find out, though, his other arm, the one she'd brushed against as she awoke, move downward in a lazy arc. It moved around the arm on which Kyara was propping herself up, and curved gently around her waist.

Jason's eyes were open, dark pools in the night. Her eyes met his.

His arm around her pulled her toward him, and she let herself go.

I want him.

Then they were kissing, his lips gently exploring her own. He must have risen in the night, because he tasted of mint and something that was only him. Softly at first, then with growing confidence, his lips pulled gently on her lower lip.

Kyara gave in, leaning against him, and losing herself in the feel of him underneath her.

It might have been ten minutes or a thousand when she felt his hands slowly workin

g their way under the bottom edge of her pajama tops. His fingertips, rough but yielding, slowly traced along the base of her spine, sending tingles of pleasure along the length of her body. Her body responded, rocking her hips forward against his thigh.

His arms moved, pulling her sideways and up until she was straddling him. She felt him, hard and ready, pulsing between her thighs. He tugged upward at her top, and she got the message. With a teasing smile, she began to slowly inch the fabric upwards. His eyes were fastened on the lower hem as it inched upward. He gulped when she revealed her own stomach, dark and gleaming in the moonlight. When she revealed her breasts, nipples large and dark even against the coffee of her skin, he lost control.

Growling, he grabbed her top, pulling it over her head with a single motion. Then he rolled, flipping her so that she was suddenly beneath him, trapped by his long, powerful body. His hands, so gentle before, ran along her skin as if trying to feel every part of her at once. One hand moved behind her head, pulling her to him for another kiss, demanding and insistent. The other ran along her sides, moving to cup her breasts and tug on her nipple. Pleasure shot through her, pooling in her belly and then traveling downwards.

Kyara writhed against him, feeling her body respond. His hand and her breast teased and taunted her, urging her to go further. She ran her hands along his back, fingers digging into him, trying to pull him closer, pull him inside of her.

His hands worked their way down. His thumbs hooked inside both her pajama bottoms and underwear at once. In a single motion he reared back onto his knees, towering over her and pulling her clothes away all at once. She lay before him, naked and needy in the lamplight.

He looks almost hungry. I'm not sure I could stop him now if I wanted to....

The moment of doubt which flashed through her mind vanished all at once as he let himself back down over her. He pressed his chest to hers, the feel of his chest against her breasts occupying her entire attention. A moment later even that feeling was overwhelmed by the feel of his hand on the inside of her thigh. He moved it slowly upward along the inside of her leg. Her legs opened instinctively, desperate for the feel of him against her aching, ready sex. Maddeningly, he passed it by, brushing across her dark curls and then down the other leg, his hand exploring.

I can feel you holding back, Kyara wanted to say. You want this as much as I do. Just take me. Take me now.

But the words wouldn't come. Her breath caught in her throat as his lips traced the edge of her neck, his upper body still pinning hers to the mattress. Her hips bucked, trying to come into contact with the taunting, tormenting fingers still working its way up and down her legs. He moved, keeping it just out of reach, then taking it away completely.

No! Not fair, damn you.

He withdrew, leaving Kyara breathless and aching as she looked up at him. It took Kyara moment to realize what he was doing in the dark, but she soon saw his arms move, quickly pulling down his own boxers. His cock sprang free of its confinement. It stood, hard and straight, perfectly outlined against the light coming in through the window.

Unthinking, Kyara reached out and wrapped her hand around the throbbing length of him. Her fingers barely met on the other side, curving her fingers into a perfect circle. His breath caught, the tiny gasp the first sound he'd made since he began teasing her with his fingers. Kyara smiled, wetting her lips slightly, and began to slowly run her hand up and down his shaft.

You're mine, now.

He leaned forward, just catching himself with his arms above her. Kyara ran her free hand along him as he held himself there, each muscle hard and taut. She couldn't get enough of the feel of him. She needed him to lay on top of her, his entire body pressed against hers. She brought both hands to bear on his organ, stroking with one hand while gently rolling the delicate sack of skin below it with the other.