"Although I'm pretty sure charging horny tourists for the privileged of holding onto you while an engine vibrates you both doesn't really help keep their minds on safety," added K, her eyebrows waggling.

Ashley gave K a wry look, but let the comment pass. Probably because she knows it’s true, reflected Kyara, looking again over the statuesque blonde. That has got to help her business.

"Anyway, I've got everyone paired off," said Ashley, turning to Jason. "I need you to take Kyara. Remember that she's less experienced at this, so take it easy on her."

Jason's eyebrows shot up.

"Okay..." he said, watching Ashley carefully.

"If you are used to teaching people, maybe I should go with you?" offered Kyara, still remembering the look on her friend's face from the week before.

"She has to take Caitlin," chuckled K. "I've never seen anyone worse on one of these things than that girl is. She'll pull anyone right off."

Ashley nodded, confirming K's statement with a little smile.

"Just hold on to him as tight as you can," advised Ashley, her eyes giving the double meaning to her words. "You're going to do just fine."

Kyara returned Ashley's little smile. Then, on impulse, reached out and gave her a little hug.

Jason watched them, clearly having no idea what was going on.

"Alright, you two, break it up," said K. "You go on any longer and there's going to be a gross run on cheap lotion at the general store."

Kyara let go of Ashley, sure that the embarrassment on her face matched that on Ashley's. Based on the look on Jason's face, though, she might not be far off. He was watching both of them, his eyes sliding from Kyara's dark skin over to Ashley's cream.

Men, reflected Kyara as she arched an eyebrow at Jason, really are the same wherever you go.

"So," said Jason, turning away from her to look at the nearest ATV. "I take it you haven't ridden one of these before."

"They don't have a lot of trails in downtown Atlanta," said Kyara dryly.

"Okay," said Jason. "We don't have time for a full lesson today, so I'm going to just give you the basics." He straddled the machine, his muscular legs stretched wide. He handed her a helmet, and took one for himself. The barrier made him sound strange and far away as he spoke.

"Basically, I want you to just slide on with me." said Jason, easing forward to make room for her. "Good. Now wrap your arms around my waist. Um ... a little higher might be good."

Kyara followed his directions, pressing herself along the broad expanse of his back. She felt his muscles ripple as he adjusted to her presence. His skin was separated from her own by two thin layers of cotton, a sharp contrast with the seeming distance of his voice.

Kyara flushed as she felt her nipples begin to harden, pressing against him even through her bra. She tried to pull back, but he instantly corrected her, trapping her tight against him by holding his firm arm over hers. His skin was silk over steel, caressing and trapping her at the same time.

"Hold on tight," he chided. "When we start moving, inertia is going to tug you back, and you don't have a handlebar to grip."

I do if I move my hand down, thought Kyara, growing warm at the image.

"If we hit a bump or a hole, we're going to rise into the air a little. Flex your legs as we slam down. It'll make things a little easier. Let my hips and back warn you when that's going to happen. You'll feel me move."

Kyara swallowed, her cheek moving against against him. Did he even know what he was saying?

"Alright," he said. "Hold on." With that, the engine purred to life beneath her, the vibrations rubbing against the insides of her thighs and up along the seam where her body pressed against Jason's.

Oh, my.

Even with the warning, the jolt when they started moving startled Kyara. She gripped Jason more tightly, clinging to him as they moved.

Once they were traveling, though, Kyara started to really enjoy herself. The whole thing, the rumbling of the engine beneath them, the feel of his arms and torso against her, the wind whipping against her skin, felt like power.

I've felt so helpless, lately. This is ... a really good change.

Kyara tipped her face as far forward as she could, her helmet knocking against his.