“I'll fill you in as we work,” she said. “I haven't had a chance to cook in way too long. Where are we?”

They settled in, Taylor relinquishing his chef apron and declaring loudly that they were both insane to like this amount of work. As they found their stride, Kyara filled her young accomplice in on the last several weeks.

“Well, you know they needed my testimony to prosecute the whole gang for my father's murder,” she said. “They had Devante's testimony from his plea bargain, and they finally found the body of that killer who died in the storm. With the gun he brought to kill me matching some of the bullets used in other cases, they had a pretty good case. They needed, me, though, to connect that one guy to the gang and my dad.”

“So was there already a trial and stuff?” asked Crystal, fascinated.

“Not yet,” said Kyara. “Right now they're just building their case. Still, most of that gang is locked up.”

“That's got to feel good,” said Crystal.

“It's a relief,” admitted Kyara. “What's been going on up here?”

“Not a lot. Restaurant is doing OK, but a lot of people say I can't quite get the ox tail right, so I want you to show me again when you can. Your brother even turned up to give pointers, but turns out he's pretty useless in the kitchen.”

“Marcus is still staying with Ashley?” Kyara asked.

“Yeah,” confirmed Crystal. “It's pretty much looking like he might come work up here. That, or he's taking, like, the longest vacation ever. Which, come to think of it, Caitlin seems to be doing to go down and visit your other brother.”

Kyara bobbed her head, acknowledging that both brothers seemed to have found themselves enthusiastic partners.

“Oh, and Marsh is in huge trouble for not investigating those guys who tried to kill you.” Crystal continued. “Turns out Jason tried to get his help that night and he refused to come help. Hey, how did Jason know you needed help, anyway? I never remember to ask you.”

Kyara blushed.

“He says it's because I told him that I wasn't worried. Apparently I only ever say that when I'm lying. He'd turned around to check up on my again when he saw the guy come out of my house.”

“I'm glad he managed to get everyone up,” said Crystal. “This town wouldn't be the same without you.”

Kyara smiled.

“As I understand it, it was mostly Jan yelling at everyone over the phone, but yeah, I'm pretty glad he did, too.” Kyara felt a warm glow as she remembered learning how many people had turned out to search for her in the night.

“Speaking of which,” pushed Crystal, “How was it being with him down there for so long? You didn't kill him or anything?

Kyara couldn't hold back a grin.

“No. We're working it out. He can still be pushy, but he's a lot better about trusting me now that, well...”

“His meddling almost got you killed?” supplied Crystal.

“That,” agreed Kyara. “Still, I've agreed not to use my lifetime of “I told you so” if he can work on it, and so far it's working out pretty well. Speaking of which, I need to talk to you.”

Crystal turned to her, one eyebrow cocked inquisitively.

“How would you feel about becoming a full time partner here once you graduate?” Kyara asked her.

“Really?” Crystal responded.

“Sure. You've obviously done a great job while I was gone. You haven't seemed that interested in leaving for school, but I know you don't want to live with your mom forever. Why not become my partner here for a bit, fair and even?”

“Yes! Absolutely! That would be amazing!” gushed Crystal. “Maybe we could even do breakfasts that way. I mean, trading out shifts or whatever. You know people have been asking for that.”

Kyara nodded.

“It's a good idea, though it may have to wait,” Kyara said. “I'm going to have to take some time off six months from now.” She rested her hand gently on the tiny swell of her belly.

Crystal's squeal of delight and Kyara's elated laugh echoed throughout the restaurant, bringing a smile to all who heard it.