“Yeah, baby, I'm here.” His voice was everything she remembered, soothing and powerful.

“I've missed you.”

“I know, Baby. I've missed you, too.”

She ran to him, feeling his arms around her again.

“Do I need to go with you, now?” she asked her father.

He draw back, looking into her eyes.

“No, Baby. Not yet. You need to stay.” His voice was rough with emotion.

“But I love you. I miss you so much.” Kyara was being tugged now, getting pulled away from the comforting arms of her father. He seemed to be growing smaller moment by moment, fading into the distance.

“I miss you, too. And I love you, too. But that's why I need you to wake up now.”

“No, Papa, don't make me.”

He was just a faint form now, and a voice in the darkness.

“Yes, Kyara. You have to wake up.” The voice was changing, still low and rough, but younger, more urgent.

“Kyara. Kyara. Wake up, Kyara. Stay with me. I can't lose you. I can't. I miss you too much. I couldn't stand to lose you forever. I'll even leave you alone forever. I'll never bother you again. Just, please, Kyara, don't die. Kyara, please, Kyara, I need to know you're alive, somewhere. I need to know you're smile is there. And your eyes. And your heart. Kyara. Kyara. Kyara.

She opened her eyes.

Jason lay next to her, jammed into the sleeping bag along her side. His arms worked frantically, rubbing her whole body, trying to warm her. Nearby, a fire crackled fiercely, holding back the cold of the night. Jason's eyes were red, his face pinched like he'd lost everything in the whole world. His words poured from his mouth without thought or direction. Every part of him was focused purely on keeping her warm and alive.

Kyara turned her head toward him, groggy but alive.

He froze, staring down at her in shock. Relief filled every inch of his face.

Shaking, she strained her head towards his ear. He moved closer, holding her tighter than he'd ever held her before.

He voice croaking, Kyara spoke.

“I can't lose you, either,” she whispered up to him.

Shaking, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. And she held him in return.


Kyara stood in front of her restaurant for the first time in weeks, relieved to be home. The warm spring breeze, so much cooler than back in Georgia, was a welcome relief. Soon summer would be in full swing, but for now the windows in front were wide open, inviting in the breezes.

Kyara pushed inside, surprised to see so many customers seated for lunch. Familiar faces nodded at her, smiling, but allowing her to see to her own business, New England polite. Kyara didn't recognize the new waitress, but she remembered giving Crystal permission to hire a friend or two while she was away, just to keep things moving in her absence.

She made straight for the kitchen, pushing her way into the heart of Main Street Soul.

Crystal stood in the center of the Kitchen, directing her friends through making lunch.

“Watch your timing, Will. The key to a decent meatloaf is all in the timing. Well, that, and the spices, but that's my job. Where are we on table 26?” Mid-directions, Crystal turned and saw Kyara, squealing when she did so.

Before she knew it, Kyara was caught up in a giant hug.

“Welcome back! We didn't expect you until tomorrow. Is everything OK? How is everything?” babbled Crystal.

Kyara smiled, excited to be home.