Before he could reply, Marcus came out, his face unreadable. Mr. Buckner came behind, talking with Sheriff Marsh. The tension between them was clear, but the lawyer had a determined smile on his face.

“I'm glad we could come to an understanding, officer,” Buckner was saying.

The sheriff nodded once. His squinting eyes moved to lock on to Kyara as he spoke.

“Bullshit. Threatening lawsuits. It's a dangerous game you're playing,” spat Marsh. He turned to face the people in his lobby directly.

“I live in this town, and I wouldn't want police being afraid to investigate for fear of having to wade through some shit outsiders ride into town and stir up. Otherwise they might not want to show up when they're needed.” His eyes never left Kyara, making it clear what he meant. Marcus and Trip both started to bristle, but Buckner was already on it.

“I'm sure the sheriff's record will speak for itself,” shot back the lawyer before turning and herding the group in the lobby out into the cold.

They reached their cars before anyone said anything.

“That man,” declared Buckner, “is a jackass. We'll put him on the watch-list and see if we can't find someone to run against him next fall. In the meantime, you should be free to go about your lives.”

“Thank you so much for coming out,” said Trip, shaking the other lawyer's hand.

Buckner shook his head, his dark curls bouncing around his face.

“I'm just sorry I can't do more. We got the charges dropped, largely based on the fact that Marcus here didn't get his phone call, but we should be able to nail him for profiling. If we do, though, it could mean years of legal fights on a slim chance of winning. Like I said, we'll see if we can't beat him at the ballot box next fall.”

Contact information was exchanged and goodbyes were said. Kyara noticed right away how close together Ashley and Marcus stood, and Caitlin happily chatted with Trip, huddling close to him in the cold. She couldn't focus completely on the couples which seemed to be forming, though. Her eyes kept drifting to the pair of footprints, walking off in the snow to where Jason had briefly parked his car.

The wind outside rattled the windows of Kyara's apartment, promising bitter cold to anyone who went outside. Despite the trail-making being long over, Kyara had kept Tuesday afternoons as her evening off, and she'd never been happier about that decision. The snow outside was so think it blocked most of the light from the street lights. Tonight was a night to pick up her apartment, make some hot chocolate, and enjoy being alone in her apartment for the first time in weeks.

Not that Christmas with my brothers wasn't lovely, Kyara mused. It was. And the girls dropping by was a bonus. But a little time to sort things out would be nice.

She puttered about, putting a pan of milk on to boil for hot chocolate. As she moved around, Kyara's thoughts kept going back to that Christmas. Before she knew about her brothers, she'd planned to spend it with Jan and Jason. Not doing so, not even seeing them, had left a hole in her heart. She needed to think about what that hole meant, and if she was willing to do anything about it.

Kyara drifted to her front window, trying vainly to see the house across the street through the storm.

A noise from the kitchen broke her out of her contemplation.

Is someone at the door? Who would be out in this weather?

The distinct sound of wind howling through the now open frame made her hurry to investigate.

Three men stood in her kitchen, snow-covered ski masks covering their faces. Their coats were far too thin for the weather, and all three huddled away from the storm.

“What-?” asked Kyara.

Then she saw the gun in the largest man's hand, pointed right at her.

“Hey, Kyara,” said the man in back.

She knew that voice. It was her ex-boyfriend, Devante.

The third man closed the door behind them, slamming the lock home.

The man with the gun on her took charge.

“Sit down, bitch.” he snapped.

Kyara slowly sat down in a dining room chair. The men advanced into the room, looming over her.

“The deal was, you don't talk to nobody, you get to live. Now we hear about your brothers coming up here. You was supposed to disappear. That's some bullshit.”

The gang member aimed the gun directly at her face.