“Wait, what?” asked Kyara. “Invited? I didn't even know you knew where I was.” All three girls looked at her after this revelation, but Kyara's eyes were fixed on her brother.

“We got an invitation from a young man named Mr. Waite. He's letting us stay at our apartment so we can come visit with you,” stated Trip.

Silence fell on the apartment, all four women taking that in.

“He... implied that he knew you well, and that seeing us would be good for you,” Trip further explained, his voice growing a little uncertain.

That overbearing, controlling, know-it-all asshole. He had no r

ight... he...!

“Did he?” responded Kyara, her voice flat.

“Oh, shit,” punctuated K.

The tension was broken by Marcus emerging from the bathroom wearing only a towel.

“Hey, Kyara, I'm sorry about earlier. I know that ... huh. You have company,” said Marcus, stopping to stare at the three women, a faint sheen of water still glistening on his skin. They stared back at him.

Caitlin finally broke, giggling a little. Marcus disappeared into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him as quickly as he could.

“So that was Marcus,” said Kyara, torn between anger at Jason for sticking his nose in where it didn't belong, and amusement at her normally forceful brother scurrying for the bathroom like an embarrassed cheerleader.

“Hello Ladies. Look at your man. Now back to me. Now back at your man. Now back to me. Sadly, he isn't me. But if you start using Old Spice scented body wash,” intoned K, her voice deadpan. At that point Ashley and Caitlin lost it, giggling and clutching onto each other.

I guess he does look at little like a commercial, Kyara thought. I never really thought about it before.

Trip sighed.

“Don't let him hear you make that comparison,” Trip said dolefully. “He'd love it, and I'd never hear the end of it.”

The girls only laughed harder.

This actually gives me an idea, thought Kyara.

“Actually, Marcus is a physical trainer. He'd probably be interested in seeing your rental place, Ash,” said Kyara as the laughter died away.

Ashley blinked at her.

“Tomorrow morning early, then?” pushed Kyara.

So you all have to go home to be up? She tried to project with her mind.

Ashley eyed her, then nodded, slowly.

Caitlin sighed a little, trying not to look distressed. Kyara had a plan for her, too, though. She swung to Trip.

“I know that's not really your scene,” she said, “but Caitlin here is thinking about law school. I thought you might give her some advice. Maybe at the bakery over in Bradford?”

Trip gave his sister a flat I-know-what-you're-doing look, then turned to Caitlin, always gracious.

“You were in pre-law in undergrad?” he asked.

“Social Justice,” admitted Caitlin. “Think that will be a problem?”

Trip lit up.

“Oh, no, not at all. I was a sociology major myself.” He finally stepped out from behind the table, moving to talk to the small, round brunette.