"Anyway, that's pretty much it. He didn't lie, exactly, he just let me find out on my own. It's... not one of his best qualities."

"Rat. Bastard." declared K. "We spent months putting a weepy eighteen year old Ash back together after he left. I never understood why you started making eyes at him when he got back."

"Why did he come back?" asked Kyara.

"His grandmother isn't doing well," said Caitlin. "He gave up a job in Boston and moved back to take care of her."

"Jan," said Kyara, putting it together.

"Family's pretty important to him," confirmed Ashley. "He says he figures it's only for a few years, and he wants to make her comfortable during that time."

"Where are his parents?" asked Kyara in spite of herself.

"They travel for work, like, most of the time." said Caitlin. "This is less of a home for them, more of a home base."

"But not him?" asked Kyara.

"He mostly does freelance writing work an

d sends it in on-line, plus works for the local paper sometimes." said Ashley sputtering a little as she became aware of what she'd just said. "I, uh, guess you knew that part now."

"In a way, he really helped me," said Kyara, trying to be charitable. "The cafe wasn't right for this town. And he did give me an idea for how to fix it. I think I'm going to change the menu some."

"Fried chicken?" asked Caitlin, who'd gotten to sample some of the left-overs the weekend before.

"Yeah," admitted Kyara.

"I might fall for him myself, if he convinced you to make that fried chicken," confessed Caitlin.

"Okay, so he did get Kyara to make her amazing food," granted K, "and he loves his Nana. And has a perfect ass. But he still makes a habit of hiding the truth from women he's supposed to care about."

It was hard to object. Just another liar, thought Kyara ruefully. I really can pick 'em.

K rapped sharply on the ATV, the effect somewhat spoiled as she winced and blew on her knuckles.

"The court finds him guilty as charged." declared K. "We sentence him to hours of blue balls as he thinks about the two hot women he gave up."

That, at least, drew a round of chuckles.

"That said," pointed out Caitlin, "our absence has probably been noted. We should get going."

As Kyara settled in behind K again, ready to ride to the work site, she did have to wonder,

How much of what I feel is because he tricked me, and how much of it is fear that he's another Devante? Does it even matter?

Then the ATV jerked, and she clung to K, ready to move forward either way.

What a difference a month can make, Kyara reflected, re-tying her bandanna over her sweaty forehead.

She'd been working steadily all night, and had been for weeks.

As busy as the restaurant had been, even cleanup took longer, since she couldn't keep up with it as she worked. Out in the dining area Kyara's newest employees, the French-fry stealing Taylor and the cornbread loving Will, bustled from table to table, changing out the linens and rolling packs of silverware for the next day.

Crystal had been promoted, and was now helping Kyara keep up in the kitchen. At the moment she was preparing the simple syrups for the next day's sweet tea, but she turned out to be a pretty good cook, too. Kyara just wished she had full-time help, since her workers limited hours now that the school year had resumed.

Maybe soon we'll be able to stay open on Tuesdays, too, but with Crystal running the show. Kyara had kept the tradition of closing the restaurant on Tuesday night going, despite the glaring silence between herself and Jason.

Jay, she corrected herself. Everyone but you calls him Jay. And he doesn't get to ruin my one night off.