"Faster" she called into his ear. "Let's really go!"

Without a word, Jason jumped the ATV forward, leaving her breathless and clinging. He zigged between the other riders, rubbing Kyara against him with each sharp turn. They quickly left the others behind, racing and bouncing through the green arches of the newly created trail.

I have got to get me one of these!

They reached the edge of the trail work all too soon. Jason cut the engine and climbed off, turning to help her dismount as well. When he pulled off his helmet, his face was flushed with the same exhilaration she knew must be on hers. She removed her own helmet to meet his eyes, one hand rising to try to tame her hair back into pla


Jason cleared his throat, holding his helmet in front of himself with both hands.

"So," Jason began, his voice casual. "I was thinking. I know you're busy a lot, but we first met at the farmer's market, and I wondered if you had been to the big one up in Burlington."

Kyara shook her head.

"I haven't really had the time," she said.

He nodded, as if he'd expected that reaction.

"Well, I'm going up on Saturday. I kind of wondered if you'd like to go with me. We could check it out, maybe take a look at Church Street together ..." He at her through his long, dark lashes.

Kyara wasn't sure what to think, but was saved by the arrival of the others, their engines roaring as they pulled up. Ashley was first, a shivering Caitlin clinging to her back. She was glaring daggers at Jason, but stopped as she caught the hum in the air between them.

As the engines died away, Kyara took a deep breath and turned back to Jason.

"I ... can't" Kyara said regretfully, acutely aware of all the people around them pretending they weren't eavesdropping. "The cafe isn't doing so well, and if I give up on my Saturday patrons, it will just be worse."

Jason nodded.

"So, maybe a morning outing, then? Before you open? There's a nice little bakery over in Bradford. I was thinking maybe you'd want to carry some of their stuff at your place? We could go check them out."

Kyara felt her pulse quickening. I really don't have time, but when is the last time I was asked out on a date? And he had a back-up date planned. I can't remember any guy working this hard to spend time with me. Certainly not Devonte.... He mind shied away from that line of thought.

"I'd like that," she found herself saying. "As long as I could be back in time to get my kitchen ready." Kyara tried desperately not to think about all the eyes staring at her as she accepted.

He smiled. His smile lights up his entire face.

"I'm willing to get up early if you are," he said. "Maybe this Thursday?" Kyara did not point out that she was already up at 3:30 every morning. She just nodded, fighting to keep a silly grin off of her face.

Jason handed her a slip of paper, his phone number neatly printed across the top.

Well prepared, or cocky? mused Kyara. Before she could tease him about it, though, he had turned away, heading back to his vehicle.

Jason turned to face the obviously gawking spectators.

"Alright, guys, we've got work to do. Break into teams of three and I'll give you today's assignments," he projected.

Conversation resumed as people tried to find their partners for the day. This would easily supply the town with days of gossip to come. But for once Kyara didn't care. She did try not to look at Ashley, though. Whatever Ashley said, Kyara knew she'd see a loneliness on her friend’s face she knew all too well.

That night, the dream returned again.

Once again, she was braiding Keisha's hair, her fingers wound through with expert precision.

"I'll bring this to the police for you, Darrell. They can get you out. For now, we're just a young

man talking to his preacher. It'll be fine," said Kyara's father, equal parts kind and stern, just as she always remembered him.

Kyara tugged a little harder on Keisha's hair, trying to keep her attention and stop her from listening in on their father's conversation.