Because she’d leaned closer, a delightful flowery fragrance assailed him, electrifying all his senses. Her blue cotton sweater revealed enticing curves and creamy skin. He could hardly concentrate on her question. One of these days he would get her to call him by his first name.

He finally had the presence of mind to shake his head.

“We’ll be quick,” she assured him before joining Carlos. They headed for the market in the center of a cluster of other stores.

His gaze narrowed on the mold of those long shapely legs beneath her cotton pants. She had to be five-seven, five-eight. The perfect height for him.

By now every man in the parking area had caught sight of the attractive blond American. Her femininity stuck out a mile. How could he fault Parker for being entranced when so many male eyes followed Terri’s progress into the market?

What in the hell could have possessed Richard Jeppson to roam when he had everything a man could desire waiting for him at home?

Fifteen minutes later the subject of his thoughts returned to the car with her arms full of groceries. She had Carlos in tow with a couple of bags. He looked surprisingly domestic. A half smile broke out on Ben’s face. It would be a first for the man who was a confirmed bachelor.

“You’re the only woman I’ve ever known who did her grocery shopping that fast,” Ben couldn’t help remarking. “Is that a midwestern trait?”

“As a matter of fact it isn’t.” Her eyes flashed blue sparks. “But since you should be home in bed with your mouth bound, I sped things up.”

The two men chuckled while Terri helped Carlos put all the groceries in the back. After she’d shut herself inside, they were off.

“Okay, Carlos. Now that I’m a captive audience, tell me what Mr. Herrick does down in this part of the world. I thought most Texans were into cattle and oil.”

“Ben doesn’t exactly run true to form.”

“So I’ve noticed.”

“It might be easier to show you than try to explain. We’ll be joining the coastal road any minute now. After we’ve been on it about twenty more miles, you’ll see an amazing sight.”

“You’ve aroused my curiosity. While I’m waiting with bated breath, I think it’s time for everyone to have a snack.”

She turned around and rummaged in the sacks until she found what she was looking for. “Two cold colas for me and you, Carlos, and a can of delicious vegetable juice for you, Mr. Herrick. According to Carlos, it’s just like the V-8 juice sold in the States.”

She popped the tab, then leaned forward to hand it to Ben. “Before you complain that it isn’t T-bone steak, just remember you were being fed through a tube an hour ago.”

“I’d like to forget,” he whispered before drinking thirstily.

A powerfully built man like him would be ravenous for anything he could tolerate right now. It was a good thing she’d bought a large supply of food and drinks.

“When we get to your condo, I’ll fix you some soup. For dessert, you can have ice cream. I bought chocolate, vanilla, mocha and orange sherbet.”

Pulling the tab on the cola, she handed a drink to Carlos. In the process, she noticed Ben had already drained his juice.

“I can see that just keeping you from the edge of starvation is going to be a huge project.” After taking the empty can away she said, “How about some peach nectar?”

“I think I’ll hold out for the ice cream.”

“In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m asking yes and no questions. All you have to do is nod or shake your head.”

Once again she could see his shoulders shake with laughter. Apparently it was contagious because Carlos burst into rich laughter, too. After the ordeal Ben had lived through, she was glad he seemed to be through the worst of his misery.

Having done all she could do for the moment, Terri sat back to drink her cola.

“Carlos? How long did it take you to realize Mr. Herrick was missing?”

The other man’s dark eyes looked at her through the rearview mirror. “The last time Ben and I talked was on Monday. He told me he’d be in Miami until the end of the week finishing up some important business.

“I can always reach him on his cell phone. However nothing came up that needed his input, so I had no idea he’d been in an accident until a sister at the hospital phoned me last night.”

Obviously Ben hadn’t told Carlos where he was going before he planned to fly to Miami. Terri shuddered to realize he could have died and no one would have had any idea.