Stop, Ben. You’re making me want it too much, want you too much.

He turned on his side. “I don’t know about you, but all this talk has made me hungry again. The next time you feel the urge to go to the kitchen, I wouldn

’t mind a grilled cheese sandwich.”

She gathered the empty bowls and put them on the tray. “According to the instructions Sister Angelica sent home, you can’t have a sandwich until tomorrow. How about an omelet? I’ll go heavy on the cheese.”

“That’ll taste good with about a half gallon of milk.”

“I’m afraid you’ll have to do with a quart,” she retorted.

“When you come back, I’ll turn on the movie. We were just getting to the good part.”

“Don’t wait for me,” she called over her shoulder. “I’ve seen it before.”

“But it won’t be the same without you.”

He shouldn’t have said that. Especially if there was any chance that he really meant it…

“…so we thank thee for the life of Richard Jeppson. Though he is lost to us now, we know we will see him again when all will rise in the resurrection of our Lord. Amen.”

Following the pastor’s uplifting eulogy, the congregation sang a closing hymn. Terri was gratified to see that the small chapel had filled to capacity. A lovely tribute had been paid, not only to Richard, but to the aunt and uncle who’d raised him.

Holding a memorial service in Spearfish had been the right thing to do, but she couldn’t forget the exciting man seated several rows behind her and her family.

Thanks to Ben’s generosity, the church overflowed with flowers. He’d also made arrangements for a tombstone to be placed in the same cemetery plot where Richard’s parents and aunt and uncle were buried.

For that gesture he’d won the praise of Terri’s mother. She wouldn’t hear of him going to a motel. Instead she insisted he be a guest at the Jeppson home in Lead. Her invitation prevented Terri from giving into the temptation of letting him stay at her apartment.

Over the three day period Ben had treated her like a cherished sister. He’d charmed Beth who became a constant visitor. Terri couldn’t blame her. He was so attractive and fascinating, he had their family mesmerized.

No one wanted to see him fly back to Ecuador. Particularly not Terri who’d feared he’d changed his mind about wanting a private secretary, let alone a wife.

Ben didn’t ache for her the way she did for him. That was why he hadn’t broached either subject since they’d been in South Dakota.

When the noonday service came to an end, she purposely chatted with old friends and acquaintances in an effort to keep her distance from Ben.

“Honey?” Her mother put a hand on her arm. “I’m going to drive back to Lead with Beth and Tom. As soon as you and Ben get there, we’ll have lunch.”

“He’s planning to leave for South America today, Mom.”

“If I know him, he won’t say no to a meal first.”

Ben had been around long enough for her mother to figure that out. Since the swelling in his throat had subsided, he was able to eat whatever he wanted and couldn’t seem to get enough.

Terri gave her parent a hug. “It was a wonderful service. Thanks for everything, especially for being you.” Her voice quivered.

“Honey—what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I guess I’m feeling a little emotional.”

“Then don’t let him get away,” her mother whispered.

She knew!

“Terri?” Ben’s voice had come back. His deep timbre resonated to every cell in her body. “Is there anything else I can do to help?”

In a hand-tailored gray silk suit, he looked so gorgeous she didn’t dare give him another glance. Otherwise she’d end up feasting her eyes on him and make an utter fool of herself.