Ben’s appearance wiped the charming smile from Parker’s face. “Who let you out of the hospital?”

“I was just released with the proviso that Terri would be there to take care of me. But it was nice of you to offer her your services. We’re both in your debt. Fortunately there’s still time for you to make it to the airport and fly out with the rest of the family. That is, if you leave now,” he added.

The less than subtle hint caused the younger man’s eyes to glint with frustration and disappointment before they swerved to Terri’s. “How long are you staying in Guayaquil?”

To her chagrin it didn’t sound as if Parker was ready to give up. She supposed that trait was what made the Herrick men seem a little bigger than life. However in Parker’s case, she should never have allowed him to drive her out to Richard’s apartment. It had led him to believe she could be interested in him.

Though Terri hadn’t yet agreed to Ben’s proposition, he’d provided her with a perfect opportunity to send Parker the message that a relationship with him was out of the question.

“I really don’t know yet.”

She had the impression Ben drained the rest of his glass with satisfaction.

“Now that you’ve learned I’m in the best of hands, you can tell Mother to stop worrying about me.”

“I probably won’t leave until tomorrow,” Parker said, stubbornly holding his ground. He eyed her directly. “As long as I’m here, how about dinner this evening?”

“If we didn’t have other plans, we’d enjoy it,” Ben responded before Terri could think up an excuse.

His speculative gaze flicked to Ben. “What other plans?”

“This is the soonest I could arrange for her to visit the site where her ex-husband died.”

Terri blinked at the revelation, which had a sobering effect on Parker. He looked at her once more.

“I didn’t realize.” She could hear his mind working. “When you’re back in South Dakota, I’ll get in touch with you.”

“It may not be for a while,” Ben interjected. “She’s still waiting for his body to be found. That is the reason why she came to Guayaquil in the first place.”

Filling the uncomfortable silence she said, “I appreciate your offer to drive me to the airport, Parker. Thank you for all your help.”

He twirled his hat before shoving it on his head. “You’re welcome. Be expecting a call from me soon.” It sounded like a vow. “Take it easy, Ben,” he muttered before heading down the hall toward the elevators.

“Thanks for flying down with the family, Parker. It meant a lot to me.” Ben closed the door, then leveled his penetrating gaze on her. “My brother has developed a crush on you. It happened fast.”

“He’s very nice.”


“I agree.”

“When he drove me to Richard’s apartment, he told me he was divorced. I’m sure he’s feeling lost.”

“There’s no doubt about it. But first he needs to find out who he is before he rushes headlong into another relationship.”

It was good advice. The kind she’d disregarded by agreeing to be Ben’s temporary nurse. Which reminded her that all this whispering couldn’t be good for his throat.

She took the empty glass from him. “You should be home resting.”

“You’re reading my mind.”

For all she knew, he was ready to collapse from weakness. “I assume you live in an apartment. Is it far from here?”

“It’s a condo about forty-five miles away.”

Forty-five? “That’s a lot further than Richard’s apartment.”

“By about twenty miles,” he concurred. “While you enjoy your breakfast, I’ll tell Carlos to come up for your suitcase.”