Stifling a groan, Terri looked to Parker for help.

She’d chosen the right person. After introducing himself in fluent Spanish, he began to explain what had happened. Terri could follow some of it. She knew the moment Juanita heard the truth about Richard.

The other woman burst into a paroxysm of tears that was heart wrenching to witness. Parker waited, then said something else. Eventually Juanita quieted down enough to lift her head and look at Terri.

“What did you say to her?”

“That you were grieving, too, because he’d once been your husband.”

Parker didn’t know everything going on in Terri’s mind, but it didn’t matter. He’d said the right thing to Juanita. Terri could only admire him for that.

“Will you tell her the only reason I’m here is to make sure she’ll be able to have her baby without worrying about money? Tell her I’m sorry I don’t have more to give.”

While Parker explained everything, Terri handed Juanita the five hundred dollars. The other woman’s hand trembled as she took it.

In a surprise move, Parker pulled out his billfold and added his own generous donation. “Please accept this from the Herrick Corporation,” he said in Spanish.

Juanita appeared to hesitate before her fingers closed over the bills he pressed in her other hand.

“Gracias, señor,” she murmured in a wobbly voice. Her liquid-brown eyes swerved to Terri. “Muchas gracias, señora.”

“Parker?” Terri whispered. “Tell her that if she needs anything else, she can reach me through Captain Ortiz at the main police station. I’ll write his number down for her.” She tore off a piece of paper from her purse and copied it for her.

“Oh—and tell her something else. Let her know I’ll be praying for her and her baby.”

Parker seemed to have trouble swallowing before he addressed the other woman and gave her the paper.

“Gracias,” she heard Juanita whisper before she shut the door on them.

“The poor thing.” Terri wept all the way to the car.

Once they were inside he said, “Do you always get this emotionally involved with strangers?”

She sniffed. “No. Of course not.”

He started the engine and they pulled away from the building. “Then how do you account for the clothes you bought for Ben? For that matter, why did my brother fall apart when you left him earlier today? He didn’t behave like the man I’ve always known.”

“Probably because he almost lost his life in the accident that took my ex-husband’s, and he’s feeling vulnerable.”

“Vulnerable is not a word one associates with Ben. Even Martha remarked to Creighton how surprised she was that you had taken such a personal interest in him.”

“That’s because she’s in love with Ben.” The comment slipped out before Terri realized she’d verbalized her thoughts.

“How did you pick up on that so fast?” he asked in a quiet tone.


More than anything Terri wanted to ask if Ben Herrick was in love with his brother’s secretary. But she didn’t dare, and Parker didn’t seem inclined to satisfy her curiosity.

They rode the rest of the way into the city without talking. She finally turned to him. “I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me this afternoon. One day you’ll know my gratitude.”

“If you mean that, have dinner with me.”

She hoped it was an oversight and he’d meant to say “with the family.”

“Thank you, but I can’t. Captain Ortiz could be calling me right now. I’m waiting to find out if Richard’s body has been recovered from the accident scene.”

Parker drew up in front of the hotel and stopped the car. “If you need me for anything, call the hospital. I’ll be there with Ben.”