Grabbing some bottled water from the guest bar, she put it in her purse. As she reached for the extra roll she’d saved from breakfast, her phone rang.

She hurriedly picked up the receiver and said hello, expecting to hear Captain Ortiz on the other end.

“Mrs. Jeppson? This is Parker Herrick.”

Her heart plummeted to her feet. “Has your brother suffered a relapse or something?”

“Not that I’m aware of,” he drawled. “My folks wanted to know if you’d join us for dinner. Mom found out from the staff that you were the one who bought Ben his new night clothes. It’s her way of saying thank you.”

Relieved Ben was all right she said, “That’s very nice of her, but I’m afraid I can’t. I have an errand to run that could take me the rest of the afternoon and evening.”

“Would you like some company?”

Why was he pressing? Unless… Did Martha feel so threatened, even by a married woman, that she would ask Parker to keep tabs on Terri?

“You don’t happen to speak Spanish, do you?”

“Our whole family does. We have to.”

If he went with her, she’d have to confide some things to him. But that was all right. He’d been through a divorce too and would understand. If he could allay Martha’s fears and translate for Terri at the same time, then it would be worth it. Hopefully Juanita would still be at the apartment.

“If you really don’t mind, I admit I could use your help.”

“Good. When shall I pick you up?”

“As soon as possible.”

“I’m on my way. I’ll be driving a white Land Rover with the words Herrick Corporation on the side.”

“I’ll be waiting out front.”

As soon as Terri hung up, she unwrapped the roll and ate it to give herself a little sustenance. Once she’d rinsed her face and run a brush through her hair, she put on a fresh coat of lipstick.

Feeling more presentable, she left the room and hurried downstairs to the bank. She’d brought a thousand dollars with her. If she cashed five hundred dollars worth of travelers’ checks, she’d still have enough money to get home.

It didn’t matter what Captain Ortiz said. Juanita Rosario needed help, and Richard was no longer alive to give it. If there wasn’t a baby on the way that would be different, but the woman was practically ready to deliver. Maybe it was ridiculous, but Terri felt responsible for her welfare even if Richard wasn’t the father.

Terri only hoped Juanita’s pride wouldn’t prevent her from taking it. Parker might have to do some fast talking.

Poor Parker. He didn’t have the faintest idea what he was getting into. But forty-five minutes later, after directing him to the outskirts of the city while they drove in air-conditioned luxury, she’d explained the situation to him.

When he pulled up in front of the apartment, he cocked his head to look at her.

“You know what I think?”

“I already know.”

“I don’t think you do. I was just going to say how much I admire you, a divorced woman, coming to the aid of a fellow human being, especially under these circumstances.”

Parker didn’t know about Terri’s miscarriages. That was personal. But the fact was, her whole family had been there for her when she’d gone through them. Who would help Juanita?

“That’s my job back home,” she quipped, fighting the tears that were threatening. “Thanks, Parker. I needed to hear those words because I’m determined about this. I doubt Juanita has very many resources, if any.”

“We’ll find out. Shall we go in?”

Terri nodded and climbed down from the seat. He left his cowboy hat in the car before they walked the short distance to Richard’s apartment. She knocked on the door.

This time when Juanita peered through the opening of the chain, Terri could see she was dressed in a sleeveless pale blue shift. The woman’s face had streak marks, as if she’d been crying.