“Oh, Ben,” she whispered emotionally. “I can’t wait to see you. It’s been so long. I know what a terrible mistake I made, but don’t you think I’ve been punished long enough?”

Her tears were wasted on Ben who’d become conscious of the wonderful peach scent coming from Terri’s hand as she held the phone close to his ear.

Those soft, feminine hands had brought his body so much pleasure, the endorphins they’d produced had blotted out any pain he’d been feeling. He’d never wanted her to stop.

“Please, Ben—when we see each other again, tell me we can work things out. I’ve always been in love with you. You know it’s true! There’s so much I want to say to you.”

Ben couldn’t get rid of Martha fast enough. Frustrated as hell, he lifted his left hand so Terri would realize he wanted her to hang up the phone. He had information to give her about her ex-husband.

Terrie saw his left arm go up. She imagined Ms. Shaw had said what she’d wanted to say.

Putting the phone to her own ear she said, “Ms. Shaw?”

“I wasn’t finished talking,” the other woman snapped.

“I’m sorry, but Mr. Herrick signaled me that he was tired. Perhaps if you waited until tomorrow to call again, he’ll have more strength.”

Ben nodded, letting Terri know she’d said the right thing.

“Do you think he heard me?” There was that pleading sound in Martha’s voice again. Something was going on here, but it wasn’t any of Terri’s business.

“Yes, of course.”

“Thank you for phoning me, Terri. I’ll inform everyone who needs to know. Please don’t hesitate to call if there’s any help you require with your travel pl

ans. I hope everything’s all right with your husband.”

“Me, too. Goodbye, Ms. Shaw.”

She hung up the phone before walking around the other side of the bed to the table where she’d left her purse.

Mr. Herrick made a couple of sounds. If she didn’t miss her guess, he didn’t want her to go yet. She rushed over to his side.

“I have to get back to the hotel and phone Captain Ortiz.”

To her surprise he gave an emphatic shake of his head. Even bandaged to the hilt and out of commission, she felt his aura of authority.

“You’ve had enough excitement for one evening and need your rest now.” She put his new clothes back out on the chair so they’d be seen by the help. “I’ll tell the nursing staff who you are and leave Ms. Shaw’s number with them. Sleep well, Mr. Herrick.”

Don’t go, dammit.

He was still making sounds of frustration as she left the room.

Much as she would have loved to stay, she didn’t dare. She’d been enjoying their association far too much. In truth, she felt a bond with him that defied logic. It had happened when she’d first looked into his eyes and felt his soul reaching out to her.

Her heart whispered it would be better if she didn’t remain in his presence any longer. Otherwise she might crave it more and more. Something told her that was a no-no.

Surely a wise woman would walk away right this minute before she learned the answers to burning questions like, did he have a wife? If so, did she know his secretary was in love with him? Was he a womanizer like Richard?

The thought that this man was anything like her ex-husband left Terri feeling strangely desolate. That’s why she had to get out of his room and far away from the hospital.

Nothing about this situation had anything to do with her. There was no reason for her to visit him again. She’d done everything she could for Mr. Herrick. By tomorrow morning, he’d be receiving a surfeit of attention from the people who loved him.

The intrigue was over. Mystery solved.

As for Terri, she’d go to the place where Richard worked and see for herself that he was faring all right since his accident. Once that was accomplished, she’d fly home to Lead.

Poor Ray. She’d dumped all her work in his lap. He’d be happy to see her back on the job.