I’m a mess. Aroused, anxious, confused, and floating on air all at the same time. How is that even possible? Ethan made me feel like a queen and then confused the hell out of me by apologizing for kissing me. But why? I wanted him to. I initiated it. I kissed him first, and I want more. I want Ethan’s hands and lips on me, and more, my God, so much more. My lips are warm and tingly from his passionate kisses which have barely had time to evaporate. I wish I could keep his lips on mine forever.
It’s late but I’m too wired to sleep and it’s too late to call anyone. I can’t concentrate on reading; my thoughts are skipping around too much. I draw myself a bath, hoping the warm water will calm me down. My mind is looping over the possibilities. My body aches with a yearning I’ve never felt before. I try to ease the ache between my legs with my fingers but end up frustrated. I can’t get off by myself. Ethan’s body keeps popping into my mind and each time I think of him, I become frustrated.
Finally, I give up and lie in bed, hoping sleep will come for me eventually. By the time morning rolls around, I’ve hardly slept. I get up to brush my teeth, feeling like I have the biggest hangover in the world. Can’t say I look that good either. I must have brushed my teeth six times but try pull myself together as best I can before heading to work.
There’s no point avoiding things. I’m prepared to get to the heart of the matter. All I need to do is be honest and let him know I’m confused because his actions didn’t match what he said.
I can’t find Ethan anywhere, but Cooper is in the kitchen with Bastien crunching on an apple. With the biggest fake grin I can muster, I drop my shoulders, lift my chest, and saunter in with a breezy, “Morning! Have either of you seen Ethan?” They look at one another in confusion and Cooper answers.
“I was going to ask how your dinner together was, but he left before dawn and his cell phone is out of range right now.”
I must look nervous because Bastien pipes up and says, “You can be honest, Lexi. Was the roulade terrible? What about the pate? Too rich for Ethan’s palate? Merde, I knew I should have stuck with cheese and cold cuts. He’s a man of simple tastes, isn’t he?” I’m about to answer that he loved the food when Cooper interjects with a very mischievous look on his face.
“Well, I don’t know about that. Simple could be seen as an insult by some folks,” he says, winking at me before walking out of the kitchen. Does Cooper know about the kiss? How? Are there hidden cameras I should know about? For God’s sake Lexi, you’re imagining things. Pull yourself together.
Alone with Bastien, I try to placate him as best I can. “Chef, the food was wonderful, and we both enjoyed it, but why do you ask? Is it because he left without saying anything?”
“Non no, nothing like that! I ask because the glasses and plates were broken in the basket. I thought maybe he was angry.” Oh man, you had to go and remind me about last night, didn’t you? A fresh wave of heat floods my core at the memory of me pinned against the wall as he kissed me so passionately.
“That was me, sorry Bastien, I made Ethan drop the basket and the plates shattered. I’m so sorry but I’ll order replacements. I have to call the supplier about some other things today, it’s no trouble.” My cell buzzes. It’s Baxter. I pick up, grateful for the distraction.
“Hey, sis! How’s Eden Lake treating you? Is Ethan looking after you?”
My mouth twists into a sarcastic little snarl before answering with a curt, “Everything’s fine. How about you? How are things in Chicago?”
He swears under his breath, then turns up the volume on the radio before responding with his own sharp “Fine.” I can practically see him shooing my question away with one hand. It’s what he does when he wants to avoid something difficult.
He has so many things he deals with at work, there’s no point in asking what today’s problem is. He plays chess with sporting clubs when they trade players. He brokers deals between people and his mind works at hyper speed. I’m in awe of his intelligence and his eye for logical detail. It’s like he can visualise a mind map with lots of roads leading different places before analyzing all the data and delivering a solution. He’s amazing, and that’s why he earns the big bucks. Everyone wants him to represent them.
“I hear you’ve got the whip out and you’ve got the whole team on a tight schedule. Good for you, sis. I knew this job would be perfect for you, didn’t I?” If only you knew big brother. This job is going to be my undoing.
“I don’t know, I’m so far out of my depth, and I still have no idea if I’m doing things the right way.”
“Don’t sell yourself short sis, you’re doing fine. Lex, you know the guy I’ve lined up to come and test the hotel?”
“The hockey player? Wasn’t he injured or paralyzed or something like that? I remember you talking about him at lunch one day with our parents.”
“I need you to pay special attention to him, please. He’s been through a hard time and though he’s doing us a favor, I still want you to put on your best for him and his family, okay?”
“Baxter, you know I’ll be one hundred percent professional. I just hope the place is ready by then. I’ll do my best.”
“You can do it, sis! Listen, I don’t want to fill your head with hot air, but Ethan calls all the time to tell me how well you’re doing and how much everyone respects you. Christ, the guy goes on about how great you are and if I didn’t know better, I’d think he was hot for you. But I know he isn’t. He knows if he lays a finger on you, I’ll kill him. Then I’ll strip him of everything and leave him destitute.”
“I’m kidding.”
“About which part?”
“The bit about the hitman? Did I say that out loud or only think it? I can’t think of a guy off the top of my head, but I know a guy who knows a guy,” he laughs at his joke like it was the cleverest thing in the world.
“That’s not funny Baxter.”
“Lex, I’m not a funny guy. Anyway, you have nothing to worry about. I’ve got another call coming in, talk later.”
Great. Now I’m really confused. Baxter’s revelation makes my head spin. I don’t know for sure unless I hear it from Ethan’s full sensuous lips, but if my brother thinks he has feelings for me, I believe him. I can feel the connection between us, the magnetism. It’s real and strong. Problem is, what happens now? If I confront him, I’ll put him in a tight spot but if I wait for him to act, will he? I’m no less confused now than I was last night, with no option but to get back to work.
I spend the rest of the day drifting distractedly and almost forget that the big IT set up day is booked for tomorrow. I need to remind Ethan but still can’t find him anywhere. It doesn’t matter. I know he’s confident in my abilities. And I’m sure he has feelings for me. It’s only a matter of time before he acts on them. Or until I make another move. I’m willing to wait and see what happens.