
Ethan looks uncomfortable as he leaves us to talk. I regret making him feel bad, but I can’t stay here. I’m out of my depth, I can’t do this job, and besides, I can’t trust myself around him.

“Hold up, Baxter, we need to talk,” I say, running after my brother who looks irritated. I’m about to cop his wrath. Too bad. I have to speak my mind. There is no way I’m staying here. We walk together towards the dock where nobody can overhear us.

Oh my God, what have I agreed to? When Baxter talked me through the job, he didn’t tell me anything about Ethan. I mean, he mentioned Ethan, but the man in my mind was some abstract friend I knew from the past. Just another one of my brother’s friends. Some soldier guy who meant nothing to me. But I’ve walked into every woman’s living, breathing fantasy of what the perfect man looks like. And the catching a falling woman trick? If I weren’t already dead, I’d be more dead. Like DEAD.

My track record for choosing suitable partners is crap. I am hopeless and while there have been times I may have thought I was in love; I know I never have been. I’ve been infatuated with guys, I’ve dated guys, but I’ve never really been swept off my feet. One look at Ethan Lovelock was all it took to change that.

In Baxter’s mind, Eden Lake is akin to a nunnery. He thinks I’m far enough from Chicago to be safe here. But what he doesn’t realize is that I can’t run from myself and my own feelings. And I can’t run from the feelings Ethan stirs up in me. The man is hot with a capital H. Hot like fire, molten lava, and a supernova all rolled into one shiny package. Speaking of package, holy fuck, I don’t even want to think about the bulge I spied. Calm down girl, you’re going to embarrass yourself.

“You and I already spoke, but what do you want to talk about now?” Ooh, I get so mad at him when he treats me like a child. I hate the way he pushes my buttons and patronizes me.

“This!!!” I yell, hoping my hysterical sounding voice doesn’t carry across the water and betray me. “I can’t do it! It’s too much, I’m not enough, he’s too, oh, I don’t know, but I just can’t!!”

“You can’t what?” he growls, baring his teeth. Oh God, I hate being on the wrong side of Baxter. He’s good up to a point and forgives most things but when he bites, it hurts. “You can’t what, Lexi? I’m giving you a chance for a fresh start. A job in a peaceful environment with a friend I trust to take care of you. Is that what you mean?” I frown, upset at how mad he is. Sure, I haven’t had a clear direction the last few years, but I’m trying really hard to make something of myself. To stand on my own two feet and not rely on his or our father’s money.

“Brother, I have a job. I mean I don’t right now, but I’ve got a job lined up in Chicago soon. I don’t need to work here.”

“Sis, be serious. You could use a clean break to get over the mess you made in your last job. I should have called the police when I saw that lecherous old chef with his hands all over you.”

“He wasn’t all over me. I don’t even like him, but besides all that, I’m not underage. I’m twenty-four and I can make my own decisions.” Truth is, I am too trusting and although nothing happened, my brother’s right. I got lucky he was in the right place at the right time and stepped in to help me. The fantasy of the older man and the reality were quite different.

“Not when it comes to dating older men. You should be dating a guy your own age and staying away from predators.” He crosses his arms over his chest to make it clear that this point is not open for debate.

I’m not planning on dating anyone soon, especially not Ethan, he’s trouble. Well, he’s not trouble, maybe I should say I’d be trouble around him. But I hate when he tells me what to do, especially when I know he’s right. I’m a Burns, and even if I’m wrong, I won’t back down without making my point.

“Ethan’s an older man,” I casually comment, and it’s enough to set Baxter’s defensive brother control dial to ‘high.’

He uncrosses his arms angrily, points his index finger at me and says, “Exactly! He’s a responsible adult, like me, which is precisely the reason we’re at Eden Lake. But Ethan’s like my brother. You two may not know each other very well, but I trust he’ll look after you like you’re his own sister. He’s on my side, he’ll take care of you. Don’t worry.” That’s the nice side of the story. The more cynical part of me thinks, sure, but you just bribed him by loaning him a ton of money. He’s obligated to take me on, whether he wants me here or not. And judging by his objection and inability to look me in the eye, I’d say he doesn’t want me here. He probably thinks I’m incompetent.

“More than you trust me?” I huff indignantly, knowing I’m not playing fair. I’m acting like a brat, but I can’t help it. He holds back from rolling his eyes, knowing that will really piss me off. Our tempers are evenly matched, and we’ve slipped from adult behavior to squabbling like kids. I hope Ethan can’t hear us. Neither one of us would win new friends with the way we’re behaving.

Baxter takes a deep breath, and his voice shifts to a softer, more loving tone. “Lexi, I trust you completely. I have faith in you, sis. I can see potential for you to make a name for yourself. Don’t you see that, honey? If you help Ethan transform this place from a two-bit run-down fleabag into a five-star resort, I’ll promote the hell out of it. People from all over the country will throw money at you to help them set up hotels all over the country. This opportunity is too good. I know we said we’d just explore the idea and see how you feel, but you have to stay Lex, I need you.”

“What do you mean stay? Stay here? As in live here?” No, there’s no way I’m living with Ethan. Nope, I won’t do it, he can’t make me.

“Use your head, will you? You can’t commute three hours each way, every day! There are plenty of spare rooms in the hotel, I’m sure you and Ethan can work something out.”

I’m really desperate now, and hiss, “I’m not staying here with him. How am I going to work with him? What does he know about hospitality? He’s a soldier, for Gods’ sake.”

“Exactly! See? Now you’re getting it.” He lowers his voice and leans in conspiratorially. “I can’t afford for him to fuck it up Lex, I need you to keep an eye on him.” He shakes his head. “Can’t believe I had to spell it out for you. He’s a soldier, with no experience in hospitality, but I have an incredible opportunity to invest in his land that is prime for redevelopment. Come on Lex, I need you.”


“Lexi,” he says in the low tone that indicates the conversation is over. “We can’t leave Ethan in the dark. Come on, let’s go find him and sort this out.” I want him to give me time to think, but I can tell by his tone he isn’t going to budge. As far as he’s concerned, he’s indulged me enough. I’ve made myself out to sound like an idiot, confirming all my brother’s fears. I’m afraid to mess up the job, and then they’ll both hate me. But more than that, I’m afraid if I stay, I’ll fall in love with Ethan.

Once my brother sets his mind to something, there’s no way of changing it. Especially when his plan is reasonable and sensible like this one. With the conversation over, Baxter speeds away from the dock, his Italian leather shoes echoing off the boards with each heavy step. He’s much taller than me, and before long, he’s left me behind. Once he’s out of earshot, he makes a call he must not have wanted me to hear. I take my time walking from the dock back to the hotel, while absorbing my surroundings.

The old hotel is beautiful and gazing upon its bright-white hotel exterior, emerald-striped awnings, and geranium-laden porch fills me with peace. The resort has the perfect mixture of both opulence and homey familiarity that you feel when visiting Grandma’s cabin.

Set among forested rolling hills, the lakeside landing place is plucked straight from a summer vacation storybook. The glacial lake is the soul of the place, and I can see how appealing it will be to tourists searching for the old-world charm of a bygone era. The boutique hotel has all the hallmarks of up-north-lake-town perfection. It’s stunning.

My brother’s right about its potential and the role I can play in its success, but I’m torn between wanting to stay and wanting to run as fast as I can.

Baxter is so far ahead of me, by the time I reach the hotel, he’s already found Ethan. “I just got off the phone with my broker,” he says with a wide grin plastered on his face, glancing from me to Ethan.

He puts his hand forward to shake Ethan’s and says, “He’s agreed to give us the money. Congratulations, Ethan. You are now the proprietor of one of the premier five-star resorts in the county. Welcome to Eden Lake Resort!” Ethan’s shoulders drop and he eyes me carefully, waiting for my reaction.

Oh, what the hell. I’m going to have to pull up my big girl panties and deal. I can restrain myself and act like a professional for a few months, I know I can. Baxter’s enthusiasm is infectious and despite my reluctance, when he exclaims, “Let’s drink champagne!” we all cheer.

Helping my brother and his friend could be the making of me. Or it could set my panties on fire and transform me into more of a walking, talking mess. Either way, I’m stuck here, so I may as well unpack my suitcase from the trunk and grab an icy glass of bubbles.