Chapter 20

Seventeen months later

* * *

The cab dropped Alice in front of Cain’s house where he was throwing a party in her honor. It wasn’t the same house in which she’d grown up, but a penthouse on Central Park. She adjusted her white cashmere dress and draped the matching coat around her shoulders.

The concierge held the door for her. “Evening, Miss Jones. You look lovely, tonight.”

“Thank you, James.”

He held a CD and a pen to her. “Do you mind signing this? My daughter is a big fan.”

She took the plastic and pulled out the sleeve. “Of course. I’ll be honored.” She signed her name over the corner. “What’s her name?”


She wrote a message to Libby and handed him back the CD and pen. “You should bring her around, one day.”

He called down the elevator. “She’d love that. Enjoy your party,” he said as the doors closed.

She regarded her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was highlighted and cut shorter. She had it styled with bangs and wore it naturally wavy these days. Her figure was still full, but she’d come to appreciate her generous breast size rather than focusing on her wider-than-the-norm hips. Her makeup was light, just enough eye shadow and mascara to highlight the amber of her eyes and a dark red lipstick to compensate for the lighter eye makeup. These days, she favored contacts to glasses. The glasses were a too painful reminder of Ivan. She smiled at how silly he’d been about finding them sexy.

Cain waited on the landing when she stepped from the elevator. He gave her an appreciative once-over. “Right on time.”

She pecked him on the cheek and wiped the red lipstick mark away. Glancing over his shoulder, she saw thirty or more people mingling in the spacious loft and spilling out onto the balcony.

“You shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble.”

“It’s not every day your daughter wins a Grammy.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and held her at arm’s length. “Look at you. You’re beautiful. I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you. I’m proud of you, too.”

He gave her a quick hug and ushered her into the room. “Go get yourself a drink.”

Maya and Tim were having a conversation with Clelia and Joss.

“Hey,” Maya said when she neared. “Congrats on the Grammy, girl.”

“Thank you.” She took the glass of champagne Tim offered her. “How are the twins?”

Maya laughed. “A handful, but Tim is an amazing daddy.” She winked at her husband. “We were just getting tips from Clelia and Joss.”

“Tim’s got a handle on things,” Joss said. “Doesn’t look like he lacks in the nappy changing department.”

Tim beamed. “They’re gorgeous. I can’t wait for you to meet them. When is our next team get-together?”

“Cain mentioned Christmas,” Clelia said. “We could have it at our place. Alice, you must come.”

“I’ll check my schedule with my agent, but I’d love to.” She’d only met Laudrain and Thomas a couple of times but she was as much in love with those little boys as everyone else in the team. She couldn’t wait to meet the twins.

“No date for tonight?” Maya said. “Mr. Handsome-and-lonely over there is single.” She pointed at an attractive man with dark hair who was having a conversation with her dad.

Tim placed his hand on his wife’s back and said in a low voice, “Maya.”

“What?” She grinned. “I’m pointing out the obvious. He’s handsome, and he’s lonely.”

Clelia shook her head. “Cain won’t like it. He’s a sponsor. What about the cowboy with the snake skin boots over there?”

“Too American for her,” Asia, who had just walked up with Sean, chimed in. “I think the English gentleman with the bowtie is a better match.”

“What?” Sean shook his head. “Too British for Alice. How about the hunky lad with the tattoos and piercings? Artistic seems more like her type.”

Joss chuckled. “I think Alice is capable of choosing her own date.”

A pair of strong arms wrapped around her from behind, lifting her off her feet and twirling her in a circle. “Don’t forget I’m single.”

She squealed. “Bono! Put me down.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He lowered her to her feet and kissed her forehead. “Congrats, beautiful. Don’t let these lovesick birds choose your mate. You know you love me, girl.”

She laughed at his banter. “Don’t forget I have someone waiting for me at home.”

“If he’s waiting at home, he’s maybe not the guy for you,” Maya said with a teasing smile.

“He just doesn’t like crowds.” She took a sip of her champagne. “Where are Lann and Kat, tonight?”

“It’s their turn to watch the kids,” Clelia said.

Cain arrived to whisk her away, introducing her to some of his sponsors and business associates. It wasn’t until much later that she could escape to the balcony for some much-needed air and space. She glanced down at the city lights. During moments like these, part of a crowd and yet alone, she felt most at peace and most connected to Ivan. She closed her eyes and lifted her face to the sky. The cool breeze brushed over her face. Sometimes, she imagined it was his touch, his fingers moving over her skin. At moments, she swore she felt him walking next to her in the street or sitting next to her in a restaurant.