She handed Henry his phone. “I’m so sorry but—”

His tone was bitter. “You have a crisis.”


“This isn’t a good start to our relationship.”

She sat down slowly. “I can’t help it. Things are complicated for me, right now.”

“Is it him?”


“I’m not a fool. I know you’re sleeping with him.”

There was no point in denying it. The color that heated her cheeks was enough of a giveaway. In a way, she was glad it was out in the open. She didn’t want their relationship, if it was going to move forward, to start off with deceit and lies.

“He’s unstable,” Henry continued. “He’s going to hurt you if you let it go too far.”

She looked at her hands. Couldn’t deny that either.

“Are you staying or leaving?” he asked.

“There are things I need to iron out with my father that I can’t talk about.”

He seemed to consider her words for a while. Both of them turned their heads to the window when a black SUV pulled up outside.

Cain stepped out, wearing a white linen jacket and trousers. At the sight of him, Henry’s posture relaxed a bit, as if he’d been expecting someone else. Ivan maybe.

Spotting them through the window, Cain waved and made his way inside. He stopped next to them. “Mr. Forbes, I’m Cain Jones.” He held out his hand. “I apologize for cutting short your evening with Alice, but we find ourselves with an emergency.”

Henry took Cain’s hand and got to his feet. The fact that Henry and Cain were about the same age wasn’t lost on Alice.

“So she said,” Henry said stiffly.

Cain inclined his head. “May I get the bill by means of offering my apology?”

“Certainly not,” Henry exclaimed. “No apology needed.”

“I won’t take more of your time, then.” Cain turned to Alice. “Ready?”

She picked up her purse and offered Henry an apologetic smile.

“One of these days, Miss Jones, you and I are going to get through a whole dinner.” Henry winked. “Starters, mains, and dessert.”

“Good evening, Henry.”

“I’ll be waiting for your call.”

Cain took her elbow and guided her outside where the imposing Joss stood next to the car. He opened the door when they approached. Alice and Cain got into the back with Joss. Maya was behind the wheel.

“Evening, Alice,” Maya said from over her shoulder.

When they took off, Alice turned to Cain. “Do you seriously believe anyone would harm me to manipulate Ivan?”

“Godfrey will do whatever necessary to get what he wants.”

“What does he want?”

“World power.”

“How will Ivan help?”

“A necromancist can be an invaluable asset in achieving that goal.”

“By talking to dead people?” Alice asked with disbelief.

Joss’s heavy accent filled the small space. “By manipulating the living.”

She looked between Cain and Joss. “I don’t get it.”

“A necromancist can control any human spirit, dead or alive,” Joss said.

“He can be Godfrey’s piped piper,” Maya chipped in, “and make everyone dance to Godfrey’s tune.”

It couldn’t be true. If that was the case, why didn’t Ivan simply manipulate her spirit to stay with him? They’d both known after this afternoon in her office what her intention was. She didn’t have to tell him in so many words she was walking away. It dawned on her just how dangerous he was. No wonder gift hunters and Godfrey were after him.

Flabbergasted, she said, “He never said anything about that to me.”

“In all fairness,” Cain said, “if the government knew about his existence, they’d eliminate him. He’s too big a risk. Falling into the wrong hands could very well mean the end of this country—and the world—as we know it.”

“Why are you protecting him?”

“I need him to lead me to Godfrey. The spirit he’s communicating with is our only lead.”

“I need to see him.”

Cain shook his head. “I’m not taking a risk with your safety.”

“You can come with me.”

“Lann and Sean are checking your house for bugs and installing an alarm. It’ll be safest to take you there for the night. Tomorrow, we’re flying to Cape Town.”

“For the funeral? Ivan doesn’t want me to go.”

“The threat on your life changes everything. I can’t protect you if I’m in Cape Town and you’re here.”

“What about the premiere and rehearsals?”

“You’ll be back in two days. About that, we haven’t had time to discuss it. Whatever is printed in the press, you deserved that scholarship and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Keep your head up and your back straight. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I’m not so sure about that.”

“Is Ivan bullying you into singing?”

“Does it matter how it came about?” She looked through the window. “It’s happening.”

“About time. You have an amazing talent.”

She didn’t want to discuss her talent. “I need to speak to Ivan. Now.”

“It’ll have to wait.”

“It can’t wait. Henry asked me to marry him.”

Joss’s face held no expression, and Maya didn’t make a sound. Cain’s demeanor didn’t change much either, not that she’d expected him to give a damn.