“I want you to think about that.” He nodded at the box. “Open it.”

She looked at him as if he’d just asked her to open a jack-in-the-box. When she didn’t move for several seconds, he leaned forward and flipped back the lid. Inside, on a cushion of navy silk, sat a platinum ring with a huge princess cut diamond.

“I know what we have isn’t love at first sight,” he said, “but I’ll make you a very good husband. I promise to always care for you and treat you with respect. I’m not turning a blind eye to our age difference. I realize you’re young and may want to have children of your own. There’s no reason why I can’t give you a child at fifty-five. I’m willing to start a new family, if that’s what you want.”

She couldn’t look at him. She could only stare at the ring.

He gave her a couple of seconds before prompting gently, “What do you think?”

What she thought was crazy. All she could muster in her foggy mind was how disappointed she was that he’d popped the question before even ordering a glass of champagne or wine or trying at least to make their meal romantic. Romance, it seemed, wasn’t their dynamic. It would never be. Henry was a practical man, and he probably didn’t want to order champagne prematurely, not before she’d made up her mind.

He closed the box again, put it in her palm, and folded her fingers around it. “You don’t have to give me an answer now. Sleep on it. Take as much time as you need.”

She lifted her gaze to his. “Can we order some wine now, please?”

His expression was puzzled, but he only straightened his tie and said, “Of course.”

He signaled for a waiter and ordered for both of them, but she barely listened. She didn’t care what she ate.

When the waiter was gone and she was still clutching the box in her hand, he said, “Put that in your bag. You don’t want to lose it.”

She obeyed on autopilot. Earlier at the office, she’d made up her mind about cutting Ivan loose. She knew it was time to move on, and Henry was offering her something solid and stable. It was more than she’d ever get from anyone else. It was time to stop seeing the end before the beginning.

“Will you think about it?” he asked.

It was time to make a start, to stop running in place and living in the past.

“Yes,” she whispered, not sure why the word sounded so defeated.

He got up, rounded the table, and kissed her on the lips. She waited for the sparks, a tiny flutter, goosebumps on her arms, anything, but there was only warmth and a sense of security.

“That makes me a very happy man. I’ll be waiting impatiently for your call.”

Her call? He expected her to give him an answer of such importance over the phone? Then she realized this wasn’t such a big deal for him as for her. He’d done it all before. It was his second time, a marriage of convenience, of friendship, and respect, not of having your back pushed against a hard brick wall and coming so hard your orgasm left you legless.

She blinked unexpected tears away. This was what she wanted. This was what she had to do to not end up like her dad, broken inside and alone.

The thought of her dad reminded her of the call she was supposed to make. “Do you mind if I use your phone? Mine is dead, and I think Cain may be worried.”

He reached inside his pocket and handed her his phone. “Take your time.”

“I’ll be quick.” She made her way to the bar and dialed Cain’s number.

“Alice?” His voice was tight. “Where are you?”

“At a restaurant with a friend. My phone is dead. I just wanted to let you know where I am in case Lann is still waiting for me at the office.”

“You can’t do that. You can’t take off without protection. It’s not safe.”

“But you said Daniel…” She caught herself before saying something she shouldn’t on Henry’s phone.

“Tell me where you are. I’ll come fetch you.”

“You don’t need to. I’m fine.”

“There may be other threats.”

“Is it Ivan?” she asked with new panic. “Is he all right?”

“I need you to stay calm for me. Can you do that?”

“Yes.” Every muscle in her body tensed. “What’s going on?”

“Ivan has been threatened with you.”

“With me?” It didn’t make sense.

“I need you to come home where I can protect you.”

“All right.” She glanced at their table. “Can it wait until after dinner?” She would hate to walk out on Henry, again.

“No. Tell me where you are.”

Not having a choice, Alice gave him the name and address of the restaurant. She briefly closed her eyes before going back to the table.