“Why are you here?” Alice asked.

“Why would any spirit be here?”

“Unfinished business?”

Angelique smiled. “Tell me about this man you love.”



“Did God send you to make me feel better before dying?”

Angelique laughed, a clear and beautiful sound. “Is that what you’d like to believe?”

“I don’t know.” She rubbed her arms, again. “I just want to find a way out before it’s too late.”

“Too late for what?”

“Too late to…” She paused.

For what? To live? Had she ever truly lived, or had she allowed her fear to inhibit her happiness?

“I have one question for you,” Angelique said. “If you could do one more thing before dying, what would it be?”

This was it. She wasn’t going to get out of here. She should be hysterical, but she only felt strangely detached. A sense of calm washed over her as she considered her life.

One more thing…

There were so many things she’d do differently. For starters, she’d tell her dad she was sorry for blaming him and that it wasn’t his fault. She’d forgive her mother and most of all herself. She’d wear her red dress more often and get on the stage, giving it her best shot, no matter the consequences. She would’ve finished university instead of bumming out. She would’ve let go and given Ivan the chance he’d asked for. She wouldn’t have been hung up about marriage or love or the day after tomorrow. She’d give her life to rewind to that moment outside the rehearsal room where he’d pressed a rose in her hand. She’d kiss him. If she had one, last breath left, one last chance to speak, she’d tell him she loved him so much it outshined every other feeling she’d ever had.

Despite her intention of not crying, she couldn’t help the tears that ran over her cheeks. Giving in to her sorrow, she broke down, pressing her forehead to her knees while sobs shook her shoulders. So many opportunities wasted. So many mistakes. Now she was ending it with regret. This wasn’t the way she wanted to go. If there was one thing she admired Ivan for, it was his fighting spirit. He never gave up, no matter what. He didn’t give up when he was just a hungry little boy. He kept on surviving, even when his foster dad abused him. He made it to the top, even if he’d given up the opportunity of effortless fame for her. He was willing to fight for her, even when she carried another man’s ring in her bag. Suddenly, she knew with instinctive insight that Ivan would’ve fought for her to the bitter end. He wouldn’t have left.

He wouldn’t have given up.

She owed herself nothing less.

She sniffed and lifted her head. “I won’t give up.”

“Good,” Angelique said. “Will you give Godfrey a message for me?”

“You know him?”

“Tell him I’ll watch over him, every day for the rest of his life.”

“You want to protect him? A monster like him? What—” Before she could finish her sentence, the woman was gone. “Wait! Angelique, please come back.”

The room was once more void of anyone but her. She had to fight. What could she use to defend herself when Godfrey came back? There was no weapon. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Cain walked into the light where Ivan stood. “Spit it out. What did Boris say?”

“Stop.” Maya gripped Cain’s arm and turned frosty eyes on Ivan. “I first want to know why he has a knife in his hand.”

Joss stepped forward while reaching behind his back, most probably for the gun tugged into his waistband.

“Godfrey has Alice,” Ivan said before Joss could pull the weapon.

Joss froze. Cain did not move a muscle. The only indication of his emotions was the blood that drained from his face, making the birthmark appear starker than usual.

Maya lifted an eyebrow. “Your plan is to rescue her with a steak knife?”

Cain held up a hand, motioning for Maya to be quiet. “Where is she?”

Helplessness engulfed Ivan. “I only know she’s in the building. That’s all Nicolas could give me.”

Ivan had never seen Cain in operational mode, but now he had a full demonstration of the task force commander’s efficiency. He seemed emotionless, collected, and in control, even when faced with his daughter’s kidnapping.

Cain addressed his team. “Josselin, scan the building. Maya, get hold of security and order a lockdown. Stand guard, Clelia. If anyone, including Ivan, threatens the team, burn them.” He turned back to Ivan. “Can’t Nicolas help more?”

Ivan shook his head. “I’m afraid not.”

“I presume Godfrey made his demands in exchange for Alice?”

“He wants me to control your spirit.”

Cain considered the information for a moment with an unreadable expression. “To serve what purpose?” he finally asked.

“To wipe out your team and hand over your confidential information in an act of treachery. Later, out of guilt, you’re supposed to kill yourself. At least, that’s how he wants me to stage it.”