This was bad. Why was Cain’s whole team gathered in Jerry’s bar? Sean had been careful about hiding his true nature. If what he was came to light, he’d be more hunted than ever before and possibly eliminated by the government. Anyone with a forbidden art could steal someone else’s by killing them.

He gave a start when Jerry spoke next to him.

“What’s with the dreaming, Sean? Let’s get the show on the road.”

This could only mean that Cain Jones had finally caught up with him. There was no choice but to face the music. He didn’t know what they wanted, but he didn’t have a good feeling about this. He should’ve known the day would turn out bad when he’d woken up without his pendant. First the feisty Asia and now this. With a last glance at the threat in the corner, Sean started his show.

As the lasers came on to dance over him, the music started pumping. He flexed his arms and shook his fingers. The girls in the front row screamed when he gave them his practiced smile. Grabbing the bottle of vodka on the counter, he flipped it in the air. The bottle summersaulted twice before he caught it on the back of his forearm and rolled it across his shoulders to his left hand. At the same time as catching the neck of the bottle, he threw two lemons in the air and juggled them with his right hand while pouring a shot of vodka in a silver shaker. When the lemons came down, he was ready with the knife, slicing them in the air. He squeezed, did a twirl, caught the juice in the shaker, and grabbed the Baileys, which he balanced on his bicep. He bounced the Nachtmusik off his forearm, propelled both bottles and caught the stream of white and brown liquid with the shaker in the air.

A redhead in the front pulled her bra from under her shirt and threw it on the bar counter. That meant she was volunteering for the fun part. From nowhere, unruly dark blond curls invaded his mind. In no way was he allowing a pussycat named Asia to turn his Starlight into a massage parlor. Pushing away the thought, he concentrated on tossing the shaker with exactly the right force. The liquid dropped slower than the metal, giving the illusion of being suspended in the air. Before the liquor could spill on the counter, the shaker was back in his hand, the alcohol neatly hitting the bottom.

The crowd cheered. He had a few other moves planned, but he wanted to end the show sooner than later. He needed to know why Cain was here. He flicked a shot glass into the air and walked a bottle of brandy on his arm. When it reached his shoulder, he tipped it, catching a shot in the glass. He took the glass in his mouth while juggling three bottles and laced his throat and tongue with the brandy. The brandy would quickly heat in his mouth, making it more combustible. When he exhaled, he struck a match, and a blue flame ran into the air.

With the crowd clapping and cheering, he held his hand to the bra-less girl and guided her with a swift movement onto the counter. She knew what to do. She lay down and moved her shirt up, exposing her belly. He hopped on the counter and took a wide-legged stance over her, shaking the mixer between his thumb and little finger before tipping the container. A shiver ran over her skin as he poured a line of liquor from just under her breasts to her navel. The alcohol he’d kept in the back of his mouth caught the spark when he flicked the lighter one of the spectators handed him. Crouching down, he blew over her skin. The blue flame caught the new energy to feed on and ran with a soft whoosh over the liquor trail. His volunteer shrieked with a mixture of excitement and fright, but he was quick to lick the blue heat away.

As he offered the girl a hand to sit up, his gaze landed on a pair of spearmint green eyes in the middle of the crowd. The owner of those eyes had a heart-shaped face framed by bouncy curls. It was none other than the unwanted visitor of that morning.

Meeting his gaze, Asia rolled her eyes and turned away. By the time Sean had put the sticky girl back on her feet and handed her a hand towel from behind the bar, Asia had disappeared.

Jerry sucker punched his arm. “Fucking brilliant, bro. Why did you cut it short?”

Before he could answer, Suzie leaned over the counter. “Hey, Sean?” Throwing a thumb in the direction of the table Cain Jones and his team occupied, she said, “Mood drinks for the lot of them.” She made big eyes. “Who the hell are they?”