“It’s Matthew to you,” he bit out.

“Matt!” Asia gasped. “Don’t be rude.”

Sean crossed his arms. “That’s all right. Matthew, you should respect your sister’s wishes. She knows what’s best for you.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Matt said stubbornly. He frowned and lifted his hand to touch the collar around her neck. “What’s this?”

She took a step back to avoid the touch. “Jewelry.”

“With a wire?”

She swallowed. “Gothic.”

“Gothic? You?” He laughed. “Nerdy, walk-the-straight-and-narrow Asia? Or is there a dark side to your personality you’ve always kept hidden?” He wagged his eyebrows. “That looks more like a collar to me. If you’re into BDSM now, just say it straight. I’m not naïve.”

If only he knew. “Who’s taking care of Granny?”

“She knows I’m here. Encouraged me to come, in fact. She was worried.”

“Now you’ve seen me, you can go home and tell Granny I’m fine.”

“Uh-uh.” He twisted away when she tried to take his hand. “You’re not getting rid of me.”

Sean stepped up. “Matthew, your sister is trying to do what’s best for you.”

Matt opened his mouth. Asia steeled herself for his pleas and protests when she noticed Juan from the corner of her eye, walking toward them over the sand.

No. She grabbed Matt’s shoulders, about to shove him onto the path to the jetty if needed, but he easily shook her off.

Juan stopped next to them, his brow furrowed. “Who’s this young man?”

She felt like slapping him for the show he was putting on. He damn well knew who Matt was.

“I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “He was just leaving.”

“I’m Matthew, Asia’s brother.”

Asia shut her eyes briefly and took a shuddering breath.

“Yes,” Juan said slowly, studying Matt’s face. “I believe you are. Your sister told me much about you. In fact, we just spoke about you yesterday.” He extended a hand. “I’m Juan Hernandez.”

“Mr. Hernandez.” Matt gave his hand a firm shake. “I decided to surprise my sister.” He shot her an accusing look. “But she doesn’t seem happy to see me. Looks like I’m heading back out.”

Juan slapped him on the back. “Nonsense. This is my party. Stay.”

Matt gave Asia a victorious smile. She inhaled deeply to still her heart.

Juan looked around until he spotted Leona. “Leona, come here for a minute.”

Leona rushed through the thick sand to meet them, her gaze resting questioningly on Matt.

“Leona, this is Matthew. Put him up in Tammy’s unit. She’ll take him under her wing.”

“That’s all right,” Asia said, “he can stay with me. We haven’t seen each other for a while. It’ll be good to catch up.”

“Tammy!” Juan flicked his fingers at the brunette who was bronzing on a deckchair at the edge of the water.

She looked up and lifted her sunglasses. Matt’s eyes bulged when she got up, adjusted her bikini top over her generous breasts, and walked to them with swaying hips.

“Juanito?” she said, sweet like honey.

“This is Matthew. He’s new to the party. He’ll stay with you.”

She gave Matt a sultry smile. “Welcome, baby.”

Asia’s stomach turned.

Juan patted Tammy’s backside. “Go back to your sunbathing.”

She twirled around and wiggled away. Matt’s chin had dropped to his chest.

Juan slapped him on the back again. “Let’s get you a drink.”

Matt’s face told Asia he’d just gone from heaven to paradise. “Yeah, man.”

“He’s not of a legal age,” Asia said, hoping to discourage Juan.

Juan looked Matt up and down. “How old are you?”

Matt gave Asia a dirty look. “Seventeen.”

Juan held out his arms. “Are you a man or a boy?”

Matt drew back his shoulders. “I’m a man.”

Juan turned to Sean. “Get the man a drink, then.” He pushed Matt toward one of the bar stools and took the one next to him. “I’ll have a Tequila Sunrise, and the lady,” his eyes locked on hers, “will have a Sex on the Beach.”

Asia regarded Sean from under her lashes. He said nothing as he moved back to the bar and poured the drinks as straightforward as they came. No fancy flips or moves. She clenched her hands so hard her nails cut into her palms.

Sean twisted the cap off a bottle of beer and placed it in front of Matt.

“Grab your drink,” Juan said to Matt, “and come with me.”

Matt hopped off his chair. “Where are we going?”

Juan winked. “Fishing.”

“Wow.” Matt bent to pick up his bag. “Cool.”

“Leave that,” Juan said. “Leona will arrange for it to go to your room.”

“Excellent. I’m really glad I came.” Matt glanced at Asia, triumph in his eyes, and then he ran to keep up with Juan.

Asia leaned her elbows on the bar and clasped her head in her hands. She wanted to pull out her hair, strand by strand. Sean locked his fingers around the pendant on her wrist, drawing her attention.

She looked up. “This can’t be happening.”

Sympathy flashed in his eyes. “Matthew is the reason you took this job, isn’t he?”

She nodded and looked away so he wouldn’t see the tears brimming in her eyes. “Matt has a chance to make something of his life.”