Matt tensed. His smile faded. “What’s your problem?”

“It’s not our boat, and it’s not your money. It’s not our life. Don’t get used to it.”

“Can you just let me enjoy something for once?”

“You don’t know what you’re taking or from who.” She added with an urgent whisper, “Juan isn’t someone who gives without expecting something back.”

“He’s your fiancé. Is that what this sudden engagement is about? Money?”

“No! It’s complicated. I’ll explain later, but I won’t stand by while you throw your future away for a promise of money and power. I know it looks attractive, but—”

He jumped to his feet. “My future? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself what I want?”

“I know what you want. You want to make it into art school. You’ve always—”

“That’s what you want. You think giving it to me is somehow supposed to make me happy because it would’ve made you happy if someone had given it to you. It’s like buying someone a gift for their birthday you want for yourself.” He clenched and unclenched his fingers. “You’re expecting me to live your dream, but I have my own dreams.” He looked at her for the longest moment. “I don’t want to go to art school, Asia.”

The words hit her like a punch in the stomach. She gaped at him in shock. He couldn’t mean it. The reason they came to Colombia, the reason they were here, was to further his talent and give him a shot at a better life.

“Please, don’t say that,” she whispered.

“Say what?” His lips tilted in one corner. “The truth? You want me to lie?”

Breathlessly, she said, “It’s not a lie.”

“I tried to do it—for you—but I’m not happy.”

“Oh, Matt.” Pain for her brother sliced through her chest. “Why didn’t you say something?”

“I didn’t want to upset you.”

“All I want is for you to be happy.” She reached for him, but he pulled away. “Look, we’ll talk about this at home, but for now—”

“I’m not going home.”

Fear knotted her stomach. “What do you mean you’re not going home?”

“There’s a future for me here.”

No, no, no. How could this be happening? “This is all Juan’s fault.”

Matt’s eyes flashed. “You just keep telling yourself that. You know what? I’m done.” He took a step toward her. “I’m done with your rules and bossy attitude. I’m not a child. I’m my own man.” Turning on his heel, he barged down the path in the direction of the restaurant.

Stunned, she stared after her brother.

“He’ll come around,” Sean said.

Covering her mouth with a trembling hard, she fought hard not to shed the tears that burned behind her eyes. “That went well. I failed spectacularly.”

“Doing the best you can for someone out of love is not failure. You’re a good sister to Matt.”

“No good sister would’ve pushed to work for a drug lord.” She motioned with her arm around the space. “It’s my fault he’s here. If I’d listened to you and refused the job when—”

“Asia.” His voice was stern. “Don’t put yourself down. None of this is your fault. Your intentions were good.”

“What do you even know about me, Sean?” she asked, looking toward the ocean.

He gripped her chin and forced her to meet his intense blue gaze. “I know you have eleven freckles on your back. I know you’d do anything to provide for your family. I know you’d sacrifice your own happiness and dreams to make theirs come true.”

She tried to pull away, but he held fast.

“I know you’re loyal,” he continued, “and that you purr like a kitten after making love. I know you like virgin cocktails, and your favorite color is blue. I know it’s harder for you to receive a massage than it is to give one.” He paused before adding, “And I know it’s too easy to fall for you.”

Maybe in a different life. Maybe if she hadn’t stumbled onto this island and crossed Juan’s path. If she managed to escape, she would have to run away with her family and go into hiding. They’d had to move far away from Cartagena. There was no way Sean and her could be together without turning him into a fugitive, running from a drug lord for the rest of his life. That would be utterly selfish.

Sean watched her with hope, vulnerability flashing across his face. In not so many words, he’d told her he was falling for her. He’d left himself wide open, and with every second that her silence stretched, the hope in his expressive eyes dwindled until stark disappointed replaced it.

Not telling him she cared was the hardest thing she’d done, but she’d never put him in harm’s way. Declaring her feelings for him would surely do that. His life was in Cartagena, in his bar. That was his dream. Which made her think—the premises weren’t even an issue any longer. She didn’t need to start a spa after all. If Matt didn’t want to go to school, what did he want? Did it even matter, in the bigger scheme of things? They’d be on the run forever, looking over their shoulders for the rest of their lives. What a grand mess.