“He’s going to art school,” Asia said quickly.

“Art school?” Juan snorted.

Tony and Stefan laughed.

Juan patted Matt on the shoulder. “Art school is for pussies. I’d rather make a businessman out of you. I can do with a young partner in training.”

Asia inhaled sharply and nearly choked on the air.

Matt’s eyes lit up. “You mean that?”

“Of course, I do. I run a big operation. It’s about time I take a second-in-command. I can train you myself.”

Matt pulled himself to his full height. “Yeah, I can do that.”

“We’ll talk about it,” Asia said through dry lips.

The noise of a boat pulled their attention toward the sea. A sleek speedboat appeared in the distance. It cut a powerful wake through the water that left a foam trail as it pulled up to the jetty. The men regarded it with open envy.

Juan looked at Matt. “Want to take her for a ride?”

Matt gave an excited laugh. “Really?”

“Bought her yesterday,” Juan said. “She’s all yours.”


“Break her in nicely,” Juan said with a charming smile.

Matt punched a fist in the air. “Hell, yes.”

“Boys will be boys, eh?” Juan said with a laugh when Matt rushed off. “Go with him, Tony, and make sure he doesn’t crash it.”

Tony took off after Matt.

Dropping the act, Juan excused himself to take care of business. Asia stood rooted to the spot, watching helplessly from her side of the invisible border Juan had set as Matt climbed aboard the new shiny vessel with Tony. A topless Tammy already lounged on the deck.

Chapter 11

Asia wasn’t going to stand by and watch Juan corrupt her brother. She knew what Juan was doing. He was dangling half-naked women, expensive boats, an estate, and a flashy job in front of Matt’s nose. Juan would buy Matt and own him. She couldn’t let Juan involve Matt in his shady and perverse drug world. Matt was still innocent in so many ways. She’d sooner die than expose him to that ugly side of life.

Biting her nail, she paced in front of the bar as she considered her options and tried to come up with a plan. Any plan.

“Stop,” Sean said, his voice tight with ill-concealed anger. “Working yourself up like that won’t bring back the boat any quicker.”

The dark look on his face hadn’t lifted since Juan had announced their wedding to Matt.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Sean asked.

She paused to face him. “I didn’t consent to the wedding.”

“You should’ve told me what that motherfucker was planning.”

“Why?” Worry and stress got the better of her. Irritation slipped into her tone. “Because you own me?”

He clenched his jaw. “How do you expect me to protect you if I don’t know what he’s scheming in that sick head of his?”

Her shoulders sagged under the weight of the situation. No one could protect her. Sean was as powerless as she was. “It’s not your problem.”

He banged a fist on the counter. “Like hell it’s not my problem.”

Glancing around, she lowered her voice. “Calm down. That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you. What are you going to do about it? Punch Juan on the nose?”

“More like peel his skin from his ugly face before ripping off his head,” he said through gritted teeth.

“We have to keep our cool.” Even if she felt anything but collected. “How’s your hand?”

“Fine,” he said, his voice clipped. “Don’t try to change the subject.”

“Let me see.”

His jaw set in an obstinate line. “It’s just a few shallow cuts.”

“You should disinfect it.”

“I’ve already put ice on it.” He leaned over the counter, putting their faces close. “My hand will be fine by tomorrow. Juan wanting to put a ring on your finger and babies in your belly is an issue I can’t fucking ignore.”

She had bigger problems, too. “It’s almost sunset,” she said with a sinking feeling.

“Juan won’t let anything happen to Matt.” His nostrils flared. “Not while he thinks he can use him to manipulate you.” Softening his tone, he pushed a drink toward her. “I made you a virgin cocktail. You can do with eating something, too.”

She flopped down on a stool and took the drink he offered. A few people came up, ordering cocktails. She fiddled while Sean served them, waiting.

After what seemed like forever, the speedboat finally came into sight. She jumped up to rush over, but Sean placed his hand on her arm.

“Don’t,” he said. “Matthew will come over.”

She sat back down reluctantly.

Sean was right. The minute the boat had docked, Matt walked to them.

“Did you see that?” he called from a distance. “I drove her. Tony taught me.” He sat down next to her, his smile all teeth. “Tony said I can take her out whenever I want.” He nudged Asia with an elbow. “How about it, Sis? Wanna go out tomorrow? We went to this tiny island today.”

“No,” she said, making her voice stern. “You’re not taking out the boat again.”