He kissed her cheek. “Think about it. I’ll see you at lunch, my sweet.” In the doorframe, he turned. “Oh, and stay away from Tammy’s unit. It’s best you give her and Matt some time alone.”

She trembled as he strode off, her craving for coffee gone. She had no intention of hanging around long enough to endure his twisted training. Long before then, she’d be gone. With or without Sean, she simply had to find a way.

Needing to escape, she left the untouched coffee on the table and went to the spa. There were still no appointments, but she kept up the pretense for Matt’s benefit. Frightened of Juan’s reaction, she didn’t dare go to Tammy’s unit.

When she went downstairs for lunch, Matt stumbled down the path, looking wrecked.

She rushed to him. “Are you all right?”

He pulled a hand through his hair. “Stop fussing. Rough night.”

“What did you do, Matt?”

“Why? Want to send me to the corner?”

“I’m just worried, that’s all.”

“If you’re concerned about my morals, you’re wasting your energy. I just had a few beers too many. Passed out. I’m dying of thirst. I need a soft drink.”

“Come to the bar.” She took his arm and led him to the counter.

Sean regarded them from hooded eyes. The atmosphere was tense. For Matt, or anyone looking in from the outside, it had to seem like paradise, but for those on the inside, it was hell. She wasn’t even sure that anyone enjoyed themselves any longer. The more she learned about Juan, the more she wondered if the guests were here out of obligation or because they didn’t have a choice. This was just another business opportunity for Juan. Like everything he seemed to do, this week served a different purpose than pleasure or relaxation. It was an opportunity to set up a meeting with Godfrey.

Sean placed tomato juice and a glass of water in front of Matt. “There you go. This will fix you better than a soft drink.”

Matt seemed uncertain, but he took a sip of the juice. “Thanks. So, you’re the famous mixologist.”

“I wouldn’t say famous.”

“Are you joking? I read all the articles about you. Aren’t you going to show off some moves?”

“The show is on tonight.”

“Can you teach me some?”

“Sure.” Sean shot Asia a look. “Hang around the bar. When the performance is over, I’ll need a hand.”

Gratitude warmed her chest. She knew what Sean was doing. He was taking Matt under his wing, keeping him safe. Or trying, at least.

“For real?” Matt asked with a grin.

Sean laughed. “Don’t get too excited. It’s hard work.”

Juan appeared on the path with Stefan and Tony. Asia tensed when they stopped at the bar. Juan draped an arm around her shoulders. Thankfully, Sean didn’t go rigid like he usually did when Juan touched her. He managed to keep his cool as he offered them drinks.

Declining Sean’s offer for a Bloody Mary, Juan reclined against the bar, pulling Asia to his side. “Matt, I know you must feel left in the dark with what’s going on here. Your sister and I have some news to share with you.”

Asia froze. Matt’s brow furrowed.

“We’re getting married in April,” Juan said.

Sean stilled behind the bar with a glass in his hand.

“What?” Matt looked between them. “But you’ve just met.”

“It was love at first sight,” Juan continued, giving her a squeeze. “I know this must come as a shock, but there’s really no point in waiting if we both know what we want.”

Sean clenched the glass so hard it broke with a shattering sound.

“Breakage,” Asia said with a nervous laugh. “That means a round of drinks, right?”

Juan barely glanced at the disturbance from over his shoulder. He was too busy making sure Matt was deceived.

Uncertainty marked Matt’s expression. “After a couple of days?”

“I know it’s a lot to consider,” Juan said. “There’s your sister giving up her job and you moving in with me.”

Matt gaped at him. “Moving in with you?”

Sean shook drops of blood from his fingers, his expression murderous. Concern and fear wound her stomach into a ball. She pleaded with Sean with her eyes. If he made a scene, he was dead.

“You’re family now.” Juan smiled at Matt. “What’s mine is hers and yours. Besides, I have a big estate and most of the house is standing empty. It would be nice to fill it.” He looked down at Asia with tenderness. “We’ll fill some of those rooms with babies, too.”

Sean fisted his hands at his sides.

“Wow,” Matt said. “That sounds, uh, romantic, I guess.”

Juan’s act didn’t fool her. There was a coldness in his eyes and a warning behind his words, but it was nothing compared to the look on Sean’s face as he wrapped a dishcloth around his bleeding hand.

Matt stared at Asia. “Really? Is this what you want?”

“We need to talk about your future soon,” Juan said. “There’s much to discuss.”