“Hey,” she said, catching his gaze. “You look far away.”

He pushed the disconcerting thoughts aside. “I’m right here, kitten.”

She opened her legs, inviting him in. The onslaught of sensations was so overwhelming he had to close his eyes. This intensity was new to him. Kissing her neck, he breathed in the subtle scent of her skin. She smelled like daisies and green apples—young and innocent. He intertwined their fingers and pressed her palms to the cool sheet. If he could, he’d crawl inside her and become part of her. This woman consumed him.

She moved under him, sweet and invigorating like water, lifting her lower body and aligning her pussy with his cock. Everything else faded away as he gave over to the sensation. It only took a slight movement of his hips to part her folds with the crest of his cock. She gasped. Skin on skin. No barriers. Fuck, that felt right. Another thrust, and he was buried inside her.

“Sean, a condom,” she whispered.

No. This was too perfect. “I’ll pull out, kitten.”

Eager to show her how good he could make this for her, he started moving with a slow and easy rhythm, sliding his body over hers. He tightened his hold on her hands and lifted slightly so he could roll his hips and stare at her face.

Throwing back her head, she uttered a moan. He took her bottom lip between his teeth and licked the plump curve.

“Sean,” she said, escaping the nip of his teeth by turning her face to the side. “Please.”

“No rushing me this time, kitten.”

Pumping in and out of her tight pussy, he poured everything he had into her. She was what he needed. If there was a forever, she was it, right here, underneath him. If he could capture this moment, he’d close it in his fist and never let go.

Her moans turned louder. “Make me come.”

“Not yet. Let me enjoy you first.”

A minute more. A moment. A lifetime. Fuck, he’d take whatever she had to give. His fingers clamped around hers, pressing until he couldn’t feel his any longer. In and out. Faster. He clung to her palms, her nails cutting into his flesh. He kept the pace steady, not too hard, but it still was too much. Pleasure started building. He wished it away, slowed down a fraction, but the wave wouldn’t stop rolling.

Not ready. Not ready to pull out of her, yet. He fucked her mouth with his tongue and kept on praying he’d last one fucking second longer.

Heat coiled up his spine. He clenched his ass with a desperate groan. He sucked on her lips as if they were his salvation. His balls drew tight. An invisible band of pleasure stretched between them. It was going to give. He tore his lips from hers and gnashed his teeth. He breathed through his mouth. Tongues of fire licked around his cock.

“Can’t.” He jerked his cock from her pussy. “Fuck.”

Grabbing the base, he pushed onto his knees and not a second too early. Ribbons of cum spurted from the crest, painting her breasts and stomach. He grunted as blinding ecstasy gripped his body in a vise.

Spent, he collapsed over her, catching his weight on his arms. He didn’t want to let go. Ever. The truth hit him in his most vulnerable moment. The knowledge that he’d claim her and keep her was always there. This was deeper. This was seeing a future that stretched beyond Starlight. It was the warmth of a summer Highland sky that felt like home. He wanted to build a future with her, and he didn’t know if she’d let him, not when she learned the truth about why she was really there, in the clutches of a man who was capable of hurting her.

Needing a moment to process the realization, he turned them on their sides. There was no doubt in his mind. She was the one.

The enormity and impossibility of the revelation tormented him as he held her close. When he couldn’t put it off any longer, he got up and wet a towel in the bathroom. Reluctantly, he wiped his release from her skin. Goose bumps broke out over her arms.

His voice was gruff, angry. “Sorry it’s cold.”

The anger wasn’t about having to bathe his woman in cold water. It went deeper than that. It was directed as much at himself as at the sadist who had access to hot water.

“What are you doing?” she asked when he knelt between her legs.

“Finishing what I started.”

Pushing her thighs open, he licked her pussy from top to bottom. She tasted like sex, a fusion of them, and he couldn’t get enough. She tightened her fingers in his hair as he ate her out. Her thighs hugged his face. Her soft skin was going to be red from his stubble, but she didn’t seem to mind. When he sucked the nub at the apex of her folds into his mouth, she arched her hips and cried out his name.