He only prayed his plan would work.

Everything hurt.

Asia sucked in a sharp breath when she opened her eyes and turned on her back. Then a pleasant flush heated her body as she remembered.

She was no longer an anal virgin. She was glad it had been Sean. She was developing feelings for him that went beyond physical. Did the sex mean something to him too? The spark between them was undeniable, but there was also tenderness and care, at least after-sex care. That was something, right? Not that she had any right to drag him into her mess and, worse, to endanger his life.

She sat up and winced at the lingering ache. It still hurt, but her only regret was that she didn’t wake up with Sean. Swinging her legs over the mattress, she pushed all thoughts of romance aside. What she should be focusing on was how to survive another day.

While getting dressed, tension flowed back into her body as she mentally prepared herself to face Juan. She arrived at the restaurant five minutes early. Juan was already seated at a table, surrounded by the usual crowd of Tony, Eric, Garcia, and Stefan. He stood when she entered. Approval marked his face as he checked his watch.

He pulled out a chair for her next to him. “Right on time.”

None of the other men acknowledged her. Either it wasn’t a requirement or Juan didn’t like them talking to her.

Pushing a brochure over the table to her, Juan said, “I have a surprise for you.”

Could she handle any more surprises? She tried to smile as she stared at the glossy pamphlet.

“Come on,” he urged. “Open it.”

On the front was a photo of a Tuscan style building on a big lawn. The name Little Italy ran in cursive script across the top with a website address at the bottom. She picked up the brochure hesitantly and turned the page. Her gaze fell on Wedding Packages printed in big, bold letters across the width of the brochure. Her throat closed up.

“There are different options,” Juan said. “Choose whatever you like. Money isn’t an issue.”

What was she supposed to say? Thank you?

At the silence that followed, she looked up to find everyone staring at her.

“This is not what you want?” Juan asked with a minute narrowing of his eyes.

“It’s not that,” she said quickly. “It’s just too much.”

The tight set of his jaw eased. “Nothing is too much for you. I’m lucky that you came to me.” His expression shifted. “Sometimes, I’m even a little frightened of you. It’s like looking at a ghost.”

Opening her mouth, she spilled her lie. “I’ll look at it.”

“Let me know before the end of the week what you’ve decided.” He pulled back his sleeve and checked his watch. “The date is the seventh of April.”

April this year? Shock riveted through her. He’d mentioned April before, but she hadn’t thought he’d been serious. April was only three months away. The true depth of the web she’d been caught in hit her with full force.

What if Sean’s friend couldn’t get her off the island? She’d be doomed. Even if he did, would she be able to run from a man like Juan? He had a lot of resources and a lot of money. Unless she changed her identity and go into hiding for life, she stood no chance of escaping. The weight of the realization made her financial problems seem trivial.

During breakfast, her anxiety mounted. If anyone noticed she didn’t eat a thing, they didn’t mention it. Juan was caught up in a business discussion with Tony about wages. More than once, her gaze traveled in the direction of the kitchen, hoping to catch a glimpse of Sean, but the door remained closed.

When she couldn’t stand Juan’s boisterous laughter and pompous voice any longer, she excused herself to go to work, even if there were no appointments. The guests had cancelled one after the other. Thankfully, Juan barely glanced at her.

In the spa room, she paced the small space. She felt trapped. The collar seemed to shrink. A sudden sense of hysteria overwhelmed her. She pushed her fingers between the collar and her skin, trying to pull the monstrosity off, but it only made breathing more difficult.

She wanted if off of her!

Her panting turned to hyperventilation. Gripping the edge of the massage bed, she forced herself to take deep, slow breaths until she felt calmer. She was so scared. She was scared for herself, but also for Sean. What had she done? She’d selfishly taken comfort from Sean while purposefully pushing away all thoughts of the consequences.

She touched the silver band around her neck. How bad could a shock be? Once, she’d touched an electrified fence by accident. It wasn’t pleasant, but it wasn’t unbearable. If she could tolerate the shock for long enough, would she be able to get away? After a certain distance, surely the device couldn’t be effective any longer. All she had to do was walk and walk through an unpleasant feeling until she was too far away for it to have an effect.